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A.n. one more day before we'll get content from blondie. Do you guys have the ticket for the eras tour?


August 26th 2017

When Alice got back to the restaurant, Kania already had the paper printed out. "Hi, I'm Kania. Ardheene Faith manager. Can i see your document?" Alice pull out the bundle of important paper from her backpack. Kania took the paper and type the code of the birth certificate to Ardheene's team to have it checked out.

"So, you might or might not have Ardheene as your sister. I just want to make everything clear, you can't talk about Alberty or Ardheene on the social media or to your friends. Especially about their family. They are private person. Albert still on his public education, so do you. You'd endanger your life if fans or stalker finds out." Kania said. She was talking slowly, so the teen could understand stuff she tried to say. Alice just sat down quietly.

"I am so sorry. I want nothing sorts of, i just want to have older brother and sister. I've been lonely this past year." Ardheene was playing with her wine. She looked up to her half sibling. Alice was looking down at her lap.

"That's okay. You cant choose who you came from." Ardheene said to the teenager. Teasingly smile at the girl. Alice look up and shyly nod. Alberty feel confused about how to proceed the news.

Kania phone ringing. Kania hearing the lawyer just found out about the information. Kania hums to the phone. She hang up and look at her client. They were locked eyes the entire time.

"Holy shit." Ardheene throw her back into the singer's shoulder. Taylor rub her arm comfortingly. Taylor couldnt even imagine what the shit her girlfriend would get through from here and out.

"So, you've been living alone? Your grandpa passed away last year. Your grandma two months after him." Ardheene lift her head. She looked at the manager.

"What are you talking about?" Albert said the thoughts his sister has. Kania nodded at the brother.

"Yeah? I've been living alone this past few months. My father visited twice in the last eight months." Ardheene face palmed. Fucking hell.

"When i said i want to have kids, i dont mean this early, Taylor." Ardheene said facing her girlfriend. Taylor rolled her eyes and shoved her girlfriend.

"Not appropriate, Faith." Ardheene mutterred sorry. Dheene had her her face on her hands. Studying the teen.

"So, as much i dislike your mother. I dont want you through what i've been when i was a kid." Ardheene said. She looked at Taylor. Taylor raised her eyebrows. They havent officially talked about moving in together. This was like, take three step ahead.

"I feel cramped. Albert, come with me. I'm going to smoke outside." Kania and Alice nod at her. Ardheene get up and take Taylor's hand with her. She take her purse with her. Ardheene led them outside and pull the chair for her girlfriend.

Ardheene pull out one stick of cig and light it. "How are you feeling, Albert?" Ardheene ask her younger sibling. Albert sat down and shrug his shoulder.

"Can you took a DNA test? She must be pregnant when she abandon us." Ardheene nod. She had the same thought. But she can not revealed more than she already is.

"I had the same thought. We could get it done eventually. When this shit calm down a little." Ardheene said. She turn her head to face the blonde singer.

"I'm so sorry, baby. For how tonight turned out." Ardheene said taking her girlfriend's hand into her. Taylor squeezed her hand three times. Ardheene inhale of her cigarette. Try to take her anxiety down.

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