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a.n. everyone board the plane! The jet is sailing!


September 23rd 2018

"So, we'd fly to London then to Palermo Airport. Then we go to Sicily." Ardheene scribbed down her girlfriend's words. She nodded, After she done jotted down the words, she looks up to her girlfriend.

Taylor typed something on her notebook as she scratch her book, she scratched her forehead in confusion.

"I think i wanna visit Godfather's place, in Taormina. Then you wanna visit the Greek Theater there too, we could do it on one day." Taylor scratch her pen down to the paper, she has her tongue poked on her cheek.

They were having a day off and been FaceTiming since an hour ago, deciding where to go for their anniversary, Taylor and Ardheene on their respective Hotel's bed, laying on their front with computer and notebook wide open.

"We could have dinner on one of the wineries, here's the link babe," Taylor said as she send her girlfriend the link of the wine place wineries.

Ardheene scratch her chin how she suppose to pull the engagement if Taylor planned all of those.

"What if we let out brothers decide, babe? We don't have to through planning and let them plan them all," Ardheene said with a small smile, trying to give the blonde her usual smile and not grimacing.

Taylor deep in thought as she contemplate her choice, she couldn't refuse, Ardheene would pick up the secret immediately.

The singer nodded, "okay babe, i'll let Austin know," after agree to call after calling their brother, Taylor hang up the phone.

Ardheene sat down on the bed as she pull up her brother's number, Albert pick up on the second ring.

"Hi sis, how are you?"

Ardheene could see her brother picking up his clothes and bring it to the laundry room, Ardheene scrath her forehead.

"So, i'm going to propose. And i need your help,"

After fill her brother in and let his creative nature to handle the proposal, Ardheene give him Austin's number to let the brothers match the schedule.

September 27th 2018
London - Sicily, Italy.

Ardheene roll her suitcase in to the suburban house she own with her girlfriend, she plopped down on the couch, Ardheene look over to the manager's girlfriend as she look the picture of the couple and awards one by one.

Ardheene take out her phone from her hoodie pocket and swiftly turn off the ring and pull up to her girlfriend's messages.

Dheene Faith : (photo attached)

Dheene Faith : she admiring my achievements🙄🙂

Taylor Swift : 🕴🕴🕴

Taylor Swift : 🖕🖕🖕

The angle from Ardheene could be seen the woman looking at the grammys, she chuckled at their text.

Ardheene put her phone back inside her pocket and continue to watch the woman, she might be amazed by the awards, Ardheene thought.

This house have half of Ardheene's awards and her girlfriend's. Also her five latest grammys.

It was really a sight for sore eyes, Ardheene lift her eyes when the woman eyeing the awards and reach to her pocket for something.

Ardheene tilted her head, "hey Elena, where's Kania?" The woman stand straight and look over her shoulder to Ardheene who laying down on the couch. She put her hand on her chest, forgot the actress already inside.

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