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Distinc voice, "You know, i'd wait for you to wake up, right? Why don't you open your beautiful eyes and kiss me back?" Ardheene has her eyes closed, when the voice more cleared the actress chuckled and open her eyes to see the blonde on her side dragging the blanket closer to cover her bare chest.

"When were you became possessive?" Taylor smiled and lean her face closer to her girlfriend, she kissed the actress' lips for lingering peck.

No one dare to break the moment between the two, Ardheene put her hand on Taylor's cheek before flip the singer on her back.

"We should try to wrap it up and learn to have consciousness that three kids are enough." The raven haired girl put kisses on the blonde's neck.

"You promise me the world, wake up and make it happen," Taylor's voice fade away, when The actress tried to open her eyes, Ardheene fall on her back on the concrete sidewalk.

Bright dimmed sun blinded her eyes, compared to her and the wife's master bedroom with closed blinds, this light blinded her.

"Ugh," she didn't feel any pain, but her first instinct to put her hand on her back.

Ardheene looked around in panic, this is familiar street, the most busy part of London.

She look down to her hands, her hands smaller than the usual one, she used to hold her girlfriend's waist with her larger hands.

Then the confused woman look down to her stomach, teal coloured shirt, and her old ipod, she is just a teenager trying to feed herself and survive.

"Di!" and her girlfriend, Ardheene scratch her eyebrow but welcomed the hug from the young girl she had crush on for months.

"What are you doin standin' on the sidewalk babe?" The girl asked, Ardheene just shrugged and put her arm on the smaller girl, they walk into the shop.

"Nothing, just thinking how we don't have a song," the raven haired girl said, gestured to the ipod on her hand, the teen lately has been loving cut her hair evenly on her shoulder.

It was simple a cut, not like she would buzz her hair to the root, it would be crazy if someone would look at her way, the complimentary way.

Not a chance.


The surgery has been going for five hours, Taylor and the family was ushered out Ardheene's room and was told to wait on the waiting room on the east wing.

Taylor have her notebook on her lap, the pen on her fingers, she twirl it looking words to write down.

She usually write pages by now, but her eyes were staring empty at the coffee table in front of her crossed legs.

The clock hit six am, loud tickling of the second and soft clash between the pendulum filled the room, Kania open her eyes and looked around the room.

It was real event, her friend really went through this.

She put her gaze on the blonde, Kania sighed, the singer hasn't move since last night, staring blankly at the table.

Ardheene's phone began to vibrate loudly, Kania winced and pull out the phone, she put the data out and put it on her lap.

Kania pull out her phone and began to fill in Laura about the incident and most likely Ardheene won't be able fly to New York.

Taylor stand up and walk to the manager, Kania looked up at the tall blonde and raised her eyes, wondering what she could help the blonde with.

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