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A.n. here i am on April 29th.


November 24th - 25th 2018
New York

Ardheene rest her head to the headrest as she relax her muscles, she fly from LA to New York and picked her parked car on the airport and drive to the hotel she met her fiancee two days ago.

She put up the hood of her hoodie and the sunglasses already perched on her nose.

It has been hectic two months, Ardheene could feel she would pass out due exhaustion, she didn't have energy to even lift her own purse.

The actress open the door and waved at the valley man, the man immediately skipped to the actress, Ardheene tiredly smile at the young man, he couldn't be past twenty one.

"Can you grab a cart and help me with the bag please?" The man scrambled on his feet and run to the door and came back with a trolly.

Ardheene knit her eyes at the man, she was impressed by the amount of energy he has early in the morning.

Ardheene press the button on her car and gestured the man to open the trunk, "i'm sorry mate, but i'm too tired to lift them on my own," Ardheene gestured to her suitcase and duffle bag.

The man smile at the actress, "no worry ma'am. It's kinda my job." The man close the trunk and Ardheene lock her car and make sure it was locked before put on the alarm.

The man trailed behind Ardheene as the actress walk slowly to the elevator. Ardheene waited until the elevator's door opened.

The actress drag her feet to the receptionist, the women behind the desk stand up and greet the actress, "hi, i'm under Austin Kingsley. What room is it?"

"Wait a minute ma'am," the women typed on the computer but the secrecy of the top tier guest she can't give, The woman frowned looking at the actress up and down then she tap the desk to get Ardheene's attention.

"I'm sorry ma'am, we couldn't give that information," Ardheene groaned, louder than she intended. Make the working women shifted on their feet.

Ardheene knew they couldn't call upstairs just because someone said they knew someone famous sleep here.

Ardheene fish her phone out the hoodie's pocket and speed dialed her girlfriend, Taylor didn't pick up the call. Ardheene lift her sunglasses to rest on her head and massaging the bridge of her nose.

The woman behind the receptionist's desk gasped and jab her elbow to her co-worker, she immediately recognized the accent and those eyes, from the British actress who currently annoyed her fiancee won't pick up her phone.

The third time she called, Her fiancee's voice came through, "hello?" She groggily said to the phone, she squinted from the bright room.

"If you don't get your ass downstairs right now, i'll hop my british ass back to London." Ardheene hang up the phone, Taylor jump from the bed and searching for the room key before yanked the door open.

She pushed repeatedly on the elevator's button hopping it would arrived faster and make her fiancee less mad about her fallen asleep when she said she would wait for her to come home.

She look down on her sleepwear, she wearing Ardheene's old baggy t-shirt with booty shorts and the hotel's slipper, then the singer shrugged.

Surely no one awake on this ungodly hour, when the elevator arrived, she walk fast to the bright hotel lobby while tried to clean her eyes from a sign she was deep and snoring on her sleep, then she saw her girlfriend leaned her body against the receptionist's desk with her hands over her chest, Ardheene rolled her eyes when her girlfriend grimaced at her.

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