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Taylor catch up to her fiancee as the actress talk to the boat owner about when to pick them up.

Taylor run on the deck with a cool rock she found when she walk around the washed up shore, did not look where her foot placed, Taylor tripped on her own feet and fall forward as the actress put her arm out and catch the tumbling blonde.

Ardheene brush the curly bangs out Taylor's forehead, "are you okay love?" Ardheene asked with a frown.

Taylor grinned and open her palms out, "look what i found babe," the singer still has that adorable, i found something cool - smile, Ardheene put her lips on Taylor's forehead, her heart almost have a failure (again) wathing her fiancee almost hurt herself because of her own clumsy-ness.

The man take his hat off and bow to the actress, Ardheene bow with a smile, waved the man goodbye.

"That's cool looking rock babe, let's go." Ardheene wrap her hand around the blonde's shoulder, walking to the house they rented for few days here.

"I might start my rock collection babe. From places we visit." Taylor look up to her fiancee, Ardheene rub the singer's arm.

"Only if i could built you a cool table for that." Taylor nodded enthusiastic at the idea, "of course babe!" The singer grinned, Ardheene shake her head at her almost thirty years old fiancee getting excited about little things, Ardheene thought it was adorable.

"One more year until you hit thirty, babe."

Taylor puffed her breath as they took the flight of stairs made of rock and pebble to their destination, "what that's suppose to mean?"

"You are getting old," Ardheene laughed when her fiancee hit her stomach. Ardheene wheezed from the hit and her laugh.

"I'm not that old." The singer grumbled, they arrived at the hill of the house, the view are the shore and endless ocean. Ardheene gasped and pointed her finger to the ocean,

"Babe! Look! Dolphins!" Ardheene untangled her hand from Taylor's shoulder and walk closer to the edge of the hill.

Taylor walk beside the actress slowly, Taylor turn her head to the actress, "do you know dolphins such an sexual mammals?"

Ardheene nods, "of course. That's why i like them," Taylor roll her eyes at the actress.

She grumbled and make her way to the house, "i've never will look at them the same, without thinking of you sexualized them."

Ardheene snickered at her lover, they would spend few days on Jeju Island, away from the city and works lined up behind them.

The days consist of visiting temples and food spot of tourists favourites accompanied by trees and fresh air.

Her obnoxious fiancee has her birthday planned in New York, Christmas themed party, because the blonde loves for the holiday.

December 13th 2018
South Korea

"Okay. Blondie still asleep. It's currently eleven fifty five we're still in Korea and our flight in the early morning. What else? Oh! i need to light the candle first." Ardheene propped the phone to show her and the cake she made, with the help of Andrea of course, to the counter.

She fish out her lighter from her pajamas pocket and light the candle, "so i made this cake for my lovely fiancee, with her mom help" Ardheene laughed under her breath as she take the phone off the counter.

"Let me show you guys the cake, how the fuck i flip this camera-" Ardheene almost drop her phone to the cake as she aggressively push her phone's screen looking for the button to flip the camera to the back.

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