For youth

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"I wonder what's Jungkook doing there," Sanghae said closing her book and turning to Hasyeon. They were in the classroom doing their English essay assignment.

Hasyeon frowned at her, sighing. "I told you that I don't want to talk about him. He is just like a passerby in my life! Just think about it, it's been four months and he never did contact me once!"

"Don't get mad" Sanghae said patting Hasyeon's arm. "Let's focus on our assignment first then we have to go for our practice. If we do well this time, in five years, that might be us in the magazine!" she said cheerfully pointing at the rolling stone magazine with Blackpink on the cover page.

Hasyeong took a deep breath. "Yes, he is not worth enough to be mad about!"


The sun was setting over the tall buildings, casting a warm orange glow across the sky. Hasyeon sat on the bench on the basketball court, staring blankly at where some boys played. Regardless of the fact that she was mad, she couldn't stop thinking about her best friend, her Kook. It had been months since he had suddenly left without a word, and still, she was struggling to come to terms with it. 

She reached for her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she found Jungkook's name. She hesitated for a moment before finally pressing the call button. It rang several times before going to voicemail. She sighed and hung up.

Hasyeon couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness in her chest. Jungkook had been her best friend for years, and they had been through everything together. They had laughed and cried together, shared secrets and dreams, and now he was gone.

She couldn't help but wonder what had happened between them. They had argued over something trivial, and Jungkook had stormed out in a rage. Hasyeon had tried to reach out to him several times since then, but he had ignored her calls and messages.

She knew she had made a mistake by letting their argument escalate, but she couldn't help but feel that Jungkook was overreacting, unreasonable and rude. She missed him terribly but she resented him as much as that.


Hasyeon was solving some math problems in her room. It was already 11.00 pm and she was starting to feel that she is a real junior in high school now. 

"Ahr why do I have to solve the problems between y and her x while I have my own problems with no answer!" 

Suddenly she heard a familiar chuckle along with a knock on the door.

"May I come in?" It was Jin.

"You don't have to ask" Hasyeong replied, leaning back in her chair. 

"I got you some tea, almonds, and some chocolates," he said placing the tray on Hasyeon's table. "Tired?" he asked giving her a gentle head massage. 

"yeah..." she whined. 

 "How's school going?"

"Same old. It's so boring. Ahr I have another year and a half until graduation!."

Jin chuckled. "Trust me, sweetie, once you graduate, you'll miss being in school."

Hasyeon raised an eyebrow. "Really? You missed school when you graduated?"

He shrugged. "Not exactly. But I did miss having so much free time."

"Now that makes sense," Hasyeon said sitting more comfortably.

"Okay! Drink the tea and get back to work!" Jin said gently squeezing her shoulders.

"Wait, this tea is too dark! I would rather have an iced coffee, please~"

"C'mon, drinking Tea is better for both mental and physical health"

Hasyeon pouted making Jin laugh.

"Ah! I have to tell you something" He said sitting on her bed. "Come sit here for a minute" patting next to him.

"You look serious!" she said as she sat down next to him. 

"Hmm so tell me, are you feeling okay now? about...Jungkook?"

Hasyeong sighed. "I guess I am... "

"I have been waiting to tell you this for a long time but first I wanted you to recover."

"Whatever it is I think you can tell me now," She said resting her head on Jin's arm. 

"What do you think being an adult means?"

"Duh, that sounds boring"

"Maybe it is, but it's important"

"hm... let's see. Adulting is  paying your own bills, doing taxes, and taking care of yourself."

Jin shook his head and wrapped his arm around Hasyeon. "Well, that's the most unimportant part of being an adult. Adulting means making the right decision for your future and your loved ones around you. Whatever it takes. In your case for your youth. There will be many obstacles, and god will test you in many ways. You will have to sacrifice many things. You might have to leave your family, and you will have to part ways with your best friend too. "

Hasyeon hummed.

"Well, for example, if you want to be one of the best idols out there, you will have to sacrifice many many things. You will have to practice every single minute you have, you will miss all the family time you have, your rest, sleep, friends, and everything. Because you have to dedicate yourself for greater success. Do you get what I mean?"


"So in Jungkook's case, maybe he had to sacrifice everything just for his mom and his youth, right? And I hope you won't be mad at him anymore."

Hasyeon slightly nodded. Lost in thought.

Suddenly the door of the room banged open.


Hasyeon and Jin both stood up in a flash, frozen in disbelief.

"Yo-you mean i-it's the time?"


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