The game

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"where is.... Hasyeon?" Jungkook was trying to solve a math problem and suddenly someone spoke beside him. He lift his head and looked. It was Min yoongi, he is standing beside him while chewing a gum. "oh senior" jungkook stood up and bowed. Even tho he dont like this yoongi guy, he shud be polite. "I think..... You are her friend?" jungkook noded. "may i know why u looking for her?" yg smirked. "why? U r her guardian?". He slapped jk's arm making him almost lose his balance but thanks to the table near him, he made it without falling down. Yg stared at jungkook for a while then looked around. "ah there she is" he noticed hasyeon who was walking into the classroom. He walked to her leaving jungkook there. Jungkook sighed and stared at them. He never wanted them to be together and at the same time what can he do? He was scared that his feelings for her will ruin their friendship too. He stared how hasyeon is happy to talk with yoongi. To him, her smile was priceless,her cute giggles always made Jungkook melt. Will she really make yoongi as her whole life? Whole future? While jk dreaming his life with her? Will that yoongi steal his happy pill from him? Jungkook was lost in his thoughts and as he snapped out yg and Hasyeon had disappear from the classroom. "where the hell did they go!?" he quickly closed his books and ran out of the classroom. He even didn't knew why he is acting like this, he just followed what his heart says. He ran through every each corridor, he searched every where that have possibility them to be. "ough" he inhale and exhale deeply while standing middle of the school yard, looking around. "you..... Junkook, ah no jankook? Or whoever, Hasyeon's bff right? " the voice was deep and familiar, as jungkook turnes to see who it was, there was Tae standing behind him. "ah hyung" "where is hayeon?" jungkook sighed, "me too searching for her" Tae raised an eyebrow while sitting on a bench near by. "i thought she is sticking to u all the day in school" Jungkook bit his lip. Shud i tell him abt yoongi? Is it really ok? Is it like betraying her? I "where is that brat now?" jungkook looked at Tae. "i think..... She went somewhere with.... Maybe with yoongi hyung" he said as he look down. "ahhhh her crush" Tae said casually as he side glancing at jk. "hyung know abt it toi? " Tae shrugged. "having a crush isn't a big deal ryt? " jk kept silent. To him, yes its a huge deal. "seems like u dont like yg that much? " Jk shooked his head. "why would i not liking him, he is a senior of me after all" "after all? What do u mean by all? "tae smirked. "n-nothing" jungkook mimd slapped himself. 'dumba**'. "i know u have feelings for her" Tae said as he stood up and jks heart almost stopped from what he heard.


"why you really decided to teach me basketball?" Hasyeon asked while passing the ball to yoongi. She was just so happy! She was fangirling around him for years and here him teaching her basketball hinself! "jimin told me that u like Basketball and...... " he paused as he passed the ball back to her, hasyeon felt blood rushing to her cheeks and her heart began to beat crazily. What if jimin had told about her secret crush towards him? "a-and?" she asked while hugging the ball as she gulped. "and would like to teach from me, since jimin is my friend, i couldn't withdraw his request", ough nothing to worry.... She felt so relax, she sighed in relief as she tighten the ball hug. "yah! Pass the ball! " she snapped out from yoongi yelling and quickly passed the ball to him. She stared at him jump and catching the ball. 'How perfect his moves are? His look, his personality, everything is soooo perfect' she was in her dreamland as her nose hit something hard. 'thug! '. She fell on the floor while holding her nose. "ouchieeee" yoongi quickly ran to her and knelt down while placing his hand on her shoulder. "are you okay? Yah! Ur nose is bleeding! U shud have watch the ball carefully!" hasyeon was again lost in her mind. 'godddd he just touched me! He is really really kind! ' ,yoongi sighed and wipe her nose with his handkerchief. Hasyeon quickly shooked hee head and came back to her sense. "i-im okay" she pulled back and stood up. "lets practice again tomorrow, u shud go home now" yg placed his handkerchief on her hand. "tomorrow too? "
"yeah, till u get better in this game" he smiled and walked away.


"where is she~" jungkook was still waiting for her in the school yard. He felt bit relaxed after talking with Tae. He opened his every single thought to Tae. Now his feelings isnt a secret anymore.... "kook!" he finally heard the voice which was he waiting for whole the time. He smiled and ran to her, "where were you!?" "thats not the thing jungkook! " hasyeon screamed while jumping and smiling like a lil kid. "what?" she held out the handkerchief of yg, "believe me, this is Mr. Perfect's handkerchief!". Jungkook went blank. He just expected a hug from hasyeon, lately he was missing her badly,and here he what got.

What do u think? Does yoongi is better than jungkook for hasyeon? Who will hasyeon end up with?

Vote comment and shareeeeee as always. Love you allllllllll.

💘Kim Fam💘

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