way to Jungkook pt.2 : his story

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"What are you doing her?" A sudden voice questioned.
Hasyeon startled and dropped the photo on her hands. She turned to the door to see who is it. She sighed in relief when she saw its Jungkook in a white cotton bathrobe.
"How did you find here?" Jungkook asked, getting closer to her.
His hair was wet and was covering his eyes. the water dripping down to the floor from his hair tips. His bathrobe was a bit opened showing off his chest.
"It's not the thing, why didn't you come to school?" Hasyeon asked back, picking up the photo.
Jungkook came closer and snapped the photo out of her hand then put it on to his bathrobe pocket.
"You shouldn't be here," Jungkook said, back facing her. Hasyeon raises her eyebrow then turned him to her with his arm.
"Why? I got worried you know. You weren't at school for 3 weeks now! No calls no texts! Do you think I'll be okay with that?! why jungkook?"
Jungkook snatched his hand out from her grip, looking everywhere but her.
"Cuz I don't want to..." Jungkook's voice was barely audible.
"Kook..." Hasyeon tried to reach him.
"How did you find here?" he asked again.
"kook I-"
"I asked how did you find here!"
"Why are you shouting at me-"
"Noona!? Are you alright-" Niki came running then stopped once he saw Jungkook.
"now I see how you find here," Jungkook said giving a death stare at him.
Niki felt a sweat dripped down his forehead. "I think I can get my leave now," he said, scratching his neck while not looking at Jungkook.
"yea...thanks, Niki. I'll make sure to pay you back with a meal." Hasyeon thanked, giving him pleasuring smile.
Niki smiled and nodded and left the room.
"oh, Niki good luck with your date! Hope it lasts long!" Hasyeon shouted.
"Thanks, and it will, you don't have to worry!" Hasyeon heard him shouting back. Hasyeon giggled but the giggling stopped once he saw Jungkook's emotionless face. she sighed, removing the bag from her back.
"fine, I'm sorry okay? but why are you saying I shouldn't be here?"
Jungkook looked away, tightening his fist. "you see it"
Hasyeon scoffed in disbelief. "is it because I see how you live?"
Jungkook kept silent.
"It is, isn't it?"
"I don't want you to pity me" finally he replied.
"Is that what you think of me?! I can't believe you jungkook!"
"It's not that-" jungkook stopped when he saw tears falling off from Hasyeon's eyes. His eyes widen.
"H-hey don't cry..." He wasn't sure what should he tell or what should he do. It was the first time he saw her crying...for him. Which he never wished to see. It felt like someone tearing his heart apart.
"Damn you jungkook," she said between her sobs. "Stop making me feel like the bad guy here. I-I now realised how much I didn't know about y-you." She sniffed trying best to stop her lips from trembling.
"I knew you for more than ten years now b-but never knew you were living like this" She sniffed.
"You know everything about me but... I-I-"
Before she continues furthermore jungkook pulled her to him, wrapping his hands around him. Hasyeon gripped tight onto his bathrobe, burying her face onto his chest.
"You were always there for me, let me stand by your side too. You know everything about me. I didn't know even where you live until now. That's so unfair jungkook. That's..."
"Stop. You did enough. Now stop crying...please." he said patting her head.
After good minutes she finally calmed down.
Jungkook pulled from hug, bending down to see her face.
"You okay now?"
Hasyeon just nodded, wiping her eyes.
Jungkook glanced at the clock on the wall.
"School had been started 15 minutes ago" he turned to her. "You'll get scolded if you didn't get going now"
Hasyeon glanced at the road out from the window. "I wasn't planning to leave so quick" she looked at him. "Tell me everything"
Jungkook sighed. "It's pretty shameful and complicated ok?"
"It's fine. I just wanna know"
Jungkook stared at her. "you really aren't gonna leave, don't you?"
"you know me. I won't leave until you tell me what going on with you" Hasyeon sighed. "don't try to hide. I know there's something big on your back. I can tell it by just looking at your face."
"First of all, I have to show you something. Can you come with me?"
Hasyeon nodded.
"Ok then. I'll come changing." He went to his cupboard as Hasyeon watched his every movement. Jungkook grabs some clothes and head to leave the room.
"Are you gonna stand here and watch? It's ok if you want"
Hasyeon snapped out of her own world then blushed.
"What the- I'll be on downstairs"
Jungkook chuckled.
"Do you need anything to drink?" Jungkook asked scratching his neck. "I don't have anything much but-"
"Nah it's fine. I got breakfast."
Jungkook smiled and nodded. Hasyeon smiled back, leaving the room while closing the door behind.
She climbed down the stairs. Seeing jungkook all good gave her a big relief but his state he's in made her heart clenched. Jungkook's doe eyes clearly showing the pain and sorrow he was holding in. She wonders what really happened.
"He's with his parents, right? Aren't they here or did they went to work so early?" She thought as she started to get a tour around the house.
She kinda felt uncomfortable. She's not used to be in such small places. Her house is ten times bigger than his and the house was dark. It seriously reminds her of a hunted house. The house wasn't cleaned properly, she can see dust around the glasses and floor. She walks to the kitchen. It's small but kinda looked cute with his small types of furniture. The kitchen was well cleaned. As she looked around, She saw some papers hanging on the fridge with a magnet paste on it. She took them into her hands.
There were an electricity bill, a water bill and some hospital bills. They all were with a red notice.
"Let's go"
Hasyeon turned around to see jungkook with a pair of black trousers and a red hoodie. he gave her bag into her hands.
Hasyeon nodded and placed the bills where it was.

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