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"No Ms.Lee! check it again! I have warned you multiple times not send those documents without checking twice! See what have happened now?!" It was 7.30pm, Jin was not in a good mood because his secretary has messed up somethings, he was in his work room in the home while yelling at Ms.Lee through a phone call. "Email me those files! Now!" He ended the call and threw the phone to the couch while rubbing his forehead. "These idiots!" He mumbled while sitting on the chair in his working table,The stress spread through his mind like ink on paper. He took in deep, ragged breath before placing his hands, enclosed together, onto the table. He felt like he is carrying tons of heavy stuff on his head. He isnt normally like this. He try his best not mix up his personal life and company things but this time his secretary has messed up with a huge business deal. If he failed to make this up , anyone couldnt imagine how big would be that lose. He always kept things to himself and never show his stress to others, this time he felt like he is gonna explode. "Ahr!" He rested his head on the table, he was sweating and there was a huge pain through his head, all becaz of the tention which was running in his mind. Suddenly he felt someone stroking his hair, he knew who it was, "shall i make a coffee for you?" She asked softly. "Will ur coffee help me to ease my problems?" He said still not looking at Yaseol. She knew that he was middle in hundred of questions, so she didnt care even tho his words are lil tough. Sometimes being understanding is more important than being right. Sometimes we dont need a brilliant mind that speak but a patient heart that listens. Not keen eyes that always see faults but open arms that accept. Not a finger that points at mistakes but a gentle hand that help to get up. When life suffocate with problems and issues, she was like a gasp of fresh air, her love revived him and kept him strong. "Jinnie~" she leaned down and kissed his head. "I will be back with a warm coffee mm?" Jin sighed and noded still not lifting his head. Yaseol rubbed his back and she was going to walk out but suddenly jin lift his head and grabbed her wrist then looked at her eyes, ""if i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i will use my last breath to tell that i love you", his words melted her, she knew it,more than anyone. She just smiled at him and walked out of the room.


"Yah duck face!" Hayeon walked in Tae's room while shouting, Tae was sleeping peacefully till he heard someone shouting, "god let me sleep" groaned and pull his blanket while covering his head with it. "Yahhhhhh Mr.Alien!!!" Hasyeon Jumped to him and started to bounce on him. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Taehyung yelled while pushing away his blanket from his face and hasyeon was smiling cheekily while tiktoking her point fingers. "What do you want!? Cant you really dont bother me at least when i am sleeping!?" "TaeTae you know what, tomorrow im participating in a basketball tournament, will you come to watch it?"She asked while making puppy eyes, "gosh go away!" Tae pushed Hasyeon away making her fell on the floor. "Ahhhh ouch!!!!" Hasyeon hiss while holding her arm. Tae turned his back to her while again wrapping the blanket around himself, "good try,but i know you are just pretending that you are hurt" he said while closing his eyes and hasyeon got up while gasping, "huh! Then you are not coming?" "Go and ask noona,she will probably come" "she has catched a cold,then how can i ask her to come when she isnt well!?" Tae grabbed a pillow and covered his face. "Then ask hyung, you know he will do anything you ask" Hasyeon clenched her fists. "I.WILL.TAKE.CARE.OF.YOU.LATER,UGLY DUCK!" Tae sighed in relief, finally he can sleep without any bother. "Off the light on ur way back out bratty~" he said while curving his lips into a smirky smile.


"Oppa~" Hasyeon walked to Jin's room. Still jin wasnt finished his office matters, he was still in call so he signed Hasyeon to keep silent. "Why the hell you dont understand what i say!? You clearly know the importance of this!? I will just give you 10 mins,send me that information link!" He sighed and ended the call then looked at Hasyeon. She was standing beside him while playing with the pen on his table. Suddenly her hand hitted jin's coffee and it fell on a document paper which was jin working on. "Oops!" Hasyeon arms lift up as she jumped back, and her mistake made the whole paper spoil, jin's eyes went widen. He quickly stood up and grabbed the paper and it was already destroyed. "SEE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Jin yelled at hasyeon making her flinch. He never raise his voice at his loved ones, Specially at his princess, but this time he was out of control ,he couldnt hold it inside. Hasyeon's face went blank. She didn't except something like this from the person she loves most in the world. She was going to ask him to come to watch her tournament. Jin threw the paper away and closed his face with both palms to calm down himself. Hasyeon was tearing up, she couldnt move a single part of her body, she just stood there while looking down. She have never saw jin acting like that. Jin sat on the chair still closing his face. "Leave" hasyeon looked at him with teary eyes and ran out of the room. The most precious person in her life yelled at her, her partner in crime was sleeping , only person now she has is her eonnie and eventually she ended up hugging yaseol and bursting into tears. Yaseol was confused. This girly isnt someone who cry easily, maybe she fought with tae? No cant be, she wont cry bcaz of a small fight, Yaseol rubbed her back, "shh.....,everything is okay..." she wanted to ask what happened but it will make hasyeon hurt more so she just kept silent. Hasyeon slowly pulled away while wiping her nose and sniffing, Eonnie wept her tears away and gently lift her chin up making her looking at eonnie. "What made my sweet heart like this?" Her eyes was soft somehow it made hasyeon comfort. "Oppa....,he yelled at me" she said while looking down. Yaseol knew that jin was in thousand of problems, he wasnt in a good sense, if not he will never behave like this. And she was sure that by now jin is regretting about yelling at her. Yaseol sighed and held Hasyeon's hands. "Listen sweet heart, he was stuck in some office matters,you know what still he didn't even had his dinner.He is in huge tention.... you can forgive him right?" Hasyeon just kept beaming her eyes on the floor. She knew it, she knew that jin will never yell at her, and this time he must be in a big stress. He was her piggy,her oppa,her papa and everything. She was lost in her thoughts then suddenly two huge arms wrapped around her,she knew this perfume ,it was her piggy. "Biyane,biyane ,biyane~" he said while planting tons of kisses on his princess's head. She turned to him. Her eyes are shining not bcaz of happiness but bcaz of tears. "Oppa biyane,it was all my fault" Jin couldnt bear watching her princess in tears like this. He pulled her to a toght hug as he tearing up too. "Forgive ur piggy for this time,i promise i wont act like this ever again" Hasyeon too hugged him tightly, she felt warm,secure and comfort. She knew that he love her more than anyone. And she knew he doing all these for her and Tae. She pulled away from the hug and looked at her piggy. "Oppa~" "yes my darling" jin leaned down to hasyeon while caressing her cheek. "Shall i give you a head massage? It will reduce ur stress a little bit" she asked while offering her sweetest smile. He loved her smile,it made him melted. "Ofc it will! Your hands are magical!" Jin said while smiling and wrapping a arm around hasyeon's shoulders, Hasyeon wrapped her arm around her piggy's waist. "Kaja!"

"The love in our family flows strong and deep,leaving us memories to treasure and keep and...i'm blessed to be a part of it"

💘 Kim Fam 💘

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