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"C'mon dude, you like her that much? Tell me,do you have feelings for her?" Jimin asked while sitting beside tae in their locker room.It was during the break of their football practices. "Idk" Tae sighed while closing his water bottle. "Idk wether this is love nor anything, yet..... aish idk". It was a girl in Tae's age. Well.....she was transferred to their school a month ago. Her dad was a american and her mom was korean. She was beautiful, and...... sexy? Tae was blinded with her. Because of her tae started clubbing with Jimin, caz he wanted to see that girl. "Tae Minji.... she is not a girl with a good character...." "c'mon jimin, can we judge her character just because she is clubbing?" Jimin didnt know how to drag tae out of this dark blanket. "Ok then! If you cant i will go alone" Tae stood up and walked to his locker. Jimin sighed followed Tae. "You are going today too,to the club? What if Jin hyung find out?" "Who cares about that man? He dont habVe time to search about me." "Noona? Hasyeon? You think that they will keep silent if they found out?" Tae sighed. "I will handle them" "tae....."


"So noona too will be late today?" Tae asked while sitting on the couch with hasyeon. "Yeah,she went to the publishing company to talk about her new book, and as usual oppa will get late bcaz of his latest projects" hasyeon said while hugging her lama plushy and pressing the remote as switching TV channels. Tae looked at hasyeon while biting his lower lip. He was trying to think a way to get out of the house. "Ahm....hasyeon~ah" hasyeon shoot a look at Tae bcaz of the surprising soft voice. "Duck face? Is this really you!?" Tae faked a smile. "I have a school project to do in pair with jimin,so....i was planing to go and spend night in his house..." hasyeon stared at Tae for a while, then noded. "Ok, you can go". Tae smiled and ruffled hasyeon's hair. "Good girl" he ran upstairs. Hasyeon was still trying to figure out about this odd behavior of her brother.


"Hasyeon!!! Did you saw my phone?" Tae said while searching his phone here and there. Hasyeon walked downstairs while smirking at Tae. "You r gonna go to jimin's place? While wearing ur branded jacket and that sneakers which costs 1500$? U normally not wearing them just to go to ur friend's place?" "Ahm well," "tae you are going for clubbing" Tae's eyes went widden and he started sweating. "Hasyeon i-" "take me with you,i wont tell oppa nor eonnie" "how did you find this!?" "I read jimin's texts and...." she smirked again,  "you are going to meet a girl right?" Tae walked to her, "dont tell anything to hyung,please" "then take me too" "hasyeon..." "no tae,if u want me to keep silent,then take me with you". Tae closed his eyes and sighed, then looked at hasyeon, "go and get ready".


"Awwwww Taehyung you came all the way here to handover me my bangle?" Minji asked while taking her bangle from Tae. They was sitting in a table in a corner of the club while Hasyeon and Jimin dancing. Tae smiled. "Its nothing...... between today u r stunning more" Minji shyly smiled. She was wearing a red coloured body fitting dress which was hardly covering her back. It was sleeveless and her hair freeing over shoulders. Her heavy make up made her a sharp look. Minji slowly reached tae's hand. "Taehyung", to him her voice was like honey,her touch was like a miracle. Every single move of her raised his heart. He noticed every single little thing about her. "Y-yeah?" "I have to tell you something" , tae felt butterflies in his stomach as she touch him. "I......."


"Kaja!" Tae walked to hasyeon and jimin while smiling. They were waiting outside for Tae. "Dude,i have never seen you smiling like this?" Hasyeon too crossed her arms. "Yah duck face,is this serious? You really like her?" Tae struggle shoulders while still smiling. Hasyeon knew him,sje noticed his change. Suddenly hasyeon clicked that its already too late. She quickly grabbed her phone."Oh my holly shit! Its 10.45pm! 28 missed calls from oppa! We had to be there before 9pm and now!?"

💘 Kim Fam 💘

What do you think? What will happen to Tae and Hasyeon? Do you think minji is a good person?

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