Jinnie's Bday

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Flashback (4 year before)

"can you get out of here? You are not helping at all. just messing the whole thing" Taehyung snapped at her.
"I said I'm sorry! It was an accident" Hasyeon snap back picking up the flour bowl she dropped.
"whatever just get out!"
"who are-"
"cut it off you both" Yaseol said separating the two, the sister and brother who were gritting teeth at eachother. "you both aren't helping at all...stop fighting. Hasyeon would you mind setting the table darling?" Yaseol asked, giving her a sweet smile making her hard to refuse.
she huffed. "fine" Hasyeon make sure to stuck her tongue at Tae before leaving the kitchen.
"tsk. She's so annoying"
Yaseol hit his head with the spoon. "quite blaming and turn on the oven"
taehyung nodded while rubbing his black shiny hair and went to the oven.
it's Jin's birthday today. The man doesn't even remember the dates because the lack of works he's having. After their parents died, he never really felt going to a party or going out. He went out just to make his siblings moods hype up.
"it'll be bad if you didn't show up at home today" said the old secretary, making Jin shift his eyes at him.
"and why is that?" he replied, driving his eyes back to the computer.
"you really lost you track of time don't you?" he asked, placing the files on Jin's desk.
"I don't get what you are saying Mr.Yoon"
"its enough for today young master, I'll take care of these. Go home" Mr.yoon said closing the computer. Mr.Yoon was their father's secretary. He was so close their family, he makes sure to take care of Jin as much as he can. Making sure he gets a good rest and not to lose his mind. He's the one who always keep Jin on sense.
Jin gave a confused look at him only to return a nod from the old man. Jin sighed, giving up.
"arrange the presentation, there shouldn't be any mistakes tomorrow"
"you can count on me Mr.kim" he said with a bow. Jin bow his head then left the office.
"its already dark huh?" Jin asked himself looking out of the full moon glowing brightly lightning up the night sky. Jin never realized how much his parents meant to him until he lost them. Its just like god gets his sun and moon from his world, covering it by dark and coldness. Jin let a deep breath getting up to the car and drove to home where at least he can forget his all problems.






"he's cominggggggggg!!!!!!" Hasyeon ran to the dinning table screaming.
"we are not deaf stop shouting and turn the lights off you good for nothing idiot!" Taehyung said placing the last plate of foods on the table.
"hey know how to talk-"
"ok now both of you shush! I'm turning off the lights!" Yaseol said.
"okay!" they yelled together and hide behind the door while holding the cake on to their hands. Yaseol chuckled. No matter how much they fight it always ends up being them together but she really wonders how did Jin deal with them alone before she comes.
Jin parked the car then get off from it. he frowned when he saw the whole house's lights were off.
"did they went somewhere?" he thought. He walked to the door. As he knocked on the door, door slightly opened. Jin got panicked at this point.
"are they ok? are they kidnapped? Did a robber get into the house?" thousands of thoughts crossed through his head. He went in.
"Hasyeon, tae, seol?" Jin called but its only replied with a silence. Jin clenched his fist telling his mind that they are just fine. He took out the phone to call Yaseol but the lights turned on.
Yaseol, Taehyung jumped infront of him. Jin almost screamed and flinched, dropping the phone to the ground.
"happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday our piggy
happy birthday to u~~~"
Hasyeon came singing along with the cake in her hands. Jin stare at her. She looked up at him with her baby puppy eyes. Her eyes were sparkling and her smile even brighter than the candles.
"happy birthday oppa..." she said giggling. Jin felt his eyes tearing up.
"now that's what he meant..." Jin remembered the words that his secretary told. he looked at to see a Taehyung with a huge box smile too which was really rare to see and he looked at his beloved girlfriend standing quietly next to Taehyung with a delightful smile.
"you planned this?"
Yaseol giggled, shrugging her shoulders.
"yeah~~ she planned it and c'mon blow this!" Hasyeon said impatiently, tipping up and down on her toes. Jin chuckled and bend down to blow the candle but a hand stopped him.
"yo hyung, didn't anyone taught you, you must make a wish before blowing the candles? Tsk you are acting dumb more than Hasyeon" Taehyung said, crossing the arms.
"heyy!" Hasyeon glared at him.
Jin chuckled and closed his eyes making a wish. "I wish this happiness last forever with lovelies"
Jin blew the candles. Everyone claps hard cheering.
"what did you wish?!" Hasyeon asked leading him to the dinning table.
Jin poked her forehead. "wishes are secrets right?"
Jin chuckled and looked at the dining table which was filled with foods.
"seems like you had worked up"
"mmm hmm... that's what at least I can do right?" Yaseol said, pecking his lips. "happy birthday jinnie"
"I love you" Jin said softly kissing her forehead.
"ewww not in front of my food ya know!"
both love birds' cheeks painted with red. They let a laugh.
"ok ok lets wrap this up!" Jin cheered clapping his hands.

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