The Trap

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"look so happy today?" Jungkook sat beside Hasyeon who was smiling like an idiot while staring at her history book in their classroom. But jungkook couldn't get her attention and she was lost in her own world, jungkook shooked his head and started to take his books out of his bag. 'what's wrong with her?' ,his mind started to mumble inside of his head. He sighed and again turned to hasyeon and now she was burying her head in her palms,her cheeks are pinkish red and jungkook heard her soft giggles. 'What made her so happy? And blush at the same time? Ahr why am even bother myself? But what's the damn thing she is thinking of!?' jungkook slammed his bag on the table to get hasyeon's attention making her flinch and fell off from the chair. "what!?" she yelled at jungkook while rubbing her back. Jungkook shrugged and grabbed his physics book, "i did nothing wrong", he said while flipping the pages. "yah aren't you going to help me to get up!?", jungkook sighed and turned to Hasyeon holding his usual blank face. "Did i pushed you down? Or did i asked you to fell down?", Hasyeon scoffed and stood up while fixing her skirt. "are you going to pick quarrels with me!?" she glared at jk while crossing her arms. "accept the fact that u weren't in the sense! Now am i the one who should be responsible about that!?". Hasyeon was speechless, this is the first time jungkook yelled at her. She don't know why but it made her really upset. Yeah, she was lost on her thoughts but why did jungkook acted like that. This is not his usual self. "Did u just yelled at me?" Hasyeon's frowned eyes made jungkook released that he was out of sense too. He quickly broke his eye contact with her and drived his eyes back to the book. Hasyeon stared at him for a minute then walked away. "ahr what did i do" Jungkook's fingers dived through his hair in regretness. He had a great self control but a moment ago he lost himself.


"what are you doing here alone?"
Hasyeon was sitting on a bench in school back yard. She was so down. Jungkook was scary and he yelled at her for no reason. She was boiling inside, and she would punch anyone who gonna come to her ryt now. She lifted her head up to bark at the person whoever talked to her but she eventually smiled after seeing who it was.

It was yoongi. Who wouldn't smile seeing their crush appear in front of them?
"ahm" she suddenly hide her smile since she didn't want to Embrass the moment. "my best friend yelled at me for no reason" she looked forward as yoongi sat beside her. She felt warm blood rushing to her cheeks, for god sake yoongi sat beside her and even he put his hand around her neck!
"u mean that bunny tooth guy?", Hasyeon nodded while biting her lower lip, "i mean why did he yell? I didn't do any wrong!" yoongi chuckled, "I'm sure he is a book warm, maybe he is stressed with his studies" , Hasyeon sighed, "yeah, to him, studies are his first priority".
"hmm... Since u r upset today... Wanna have some fun after the school?" hasyeon's face went light up after heard him. "sure!"


"I'm home", Tae said as he removed his shoes and kept them in the shoe cupboard then walked to the couch and sat there,

"early today? Where is hasyeon?"
Yaseol asked while giving him a glass of water. Tae shrugged while gulping down the water till the last drop. "she texted me that she has after school dancing classes today"
"you mean in the school? Jisoo's class?"
Tae noded and layed down while closing his eyes. "hm.. Yah tae! Go and wash up first!"
"just 5 minutes~"


It was 6.30pm. Hasyeon wasn't still home and jin too isn't picking up his phone. "still didn't she come?" Tae walked down stare while drying his wet hair with a small towel. Yaseol shooked her head and sat on the couch. "call jisoo noona, then we will able to know where is she by now", "do u have her number? I don't",
Tae too sat on the couch, "why would i have her number? She is nor my friend , neither my teacher"
Yaseol sighed. "what should we do? Shall we go and check about her in the school?"
"tsk let's call hyung"
"he is not answering his phone, maybe he is busy with work"
"hyung is different these days~" Tae backed to the couch while grabbing his phone. Yaseol shoot a look at her, "you felt that too? I mean, he is-" 'click click'
she couldn't finish the door opened and there was jin.
"woah long live hyung"
"what?" Jin asked while closing the door.
"nothing" Yaseol quickly stood up and walked to Jin and got his laptop bag from him. He smiled and left a soft peck on her forehead before walk inside. "where were u, why didn't u answer the phone?"
Yaseol asked while walking to the kitchen to get a water for Jin.
Jin dropped into the couch besides Tae.
"i hang out with Jichu,i had somethings to discuss with her"
Tae and Yaseol both went silent.
Didn't Hasyeon told she has dancing classes? Then where is she!?
Jin looked at Tae then yaseol and they both were blank.
"yah what happened? She is my best-"
They both yelled making Jin flinch and almost fell from the couch.

"shall we report to the police?" Yaseol asked while rubbing her sweaty forehead. Tae noded. "i think it's the only thing we can do now, we searched everywhere she could be, her phone is turned off too, and we called everyone she could be with. Is there anything left to do?",
Jin was burying his face in his palms. He was worrying to death, he felt like part of his heart is missing making its harder to beat itself. he couldn't even heard what tae said because he was arguing with his own mind what to do next.
"Hyung! Just thinking like that will not solve anthing! Just do something!"
Suddenly Jin's phone started to ring,
All of their eyes followed where the sound came from and quickly Jin grabbed it and answered the unknown caller.
"O-oppa, p-please s-save me,h-he trapped m-me"
"princess!? "

💘Kim Fam💘

What do you think happened to Hasyeon?
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