Carnival - Behind the scene

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"ough...are they really have to say that?" Hasyeon shook her head, walking along with taehyung.
"Cmon they are a couple duh..." Taehyung said while taking his earphones out from his ears.
"Ewww disgusting! Arhh I'm never gonna get into that shit."
Taehyung chuckled. "Are you really planning to be single forever?"
Hasyeon shruggle her shoulders. "Yeah , is that something wrong in it?"
"Absolutely not . I mean u r annoying but cute and-"
"Hold on a second! Did u just said -"
"Yeah yeah u r cute . Deal with it u maron !"
Hasyeon laughed at her brother's comment. Taehyung never really appreciate her . It's really rare to hear something like that from him. Even tho he never show she knew that he loves her.
They were almost infront of the cotton candy pop cart but Hasyeon's phone began to ring.
"It's Yewon , I need to answer this."
Taehyung nodded. "Don't go anywhere, stay here ok?"
"Ok ." She said, answering the phone.
Taehyung went to the cart n saw there a rainbow cotton pop . He smiled, knowing hasyeon will love it. He brought one blue cotton candy for him n one for his sister.
He went back to the place but hasyeon was no where to be found.
"Aish... Where is this girl?"
He took his phone out n dial her number. He got 5 calls but she didn't answer. Sudden panic rush through his body. Hasyeon never didn't answer his calls. He knew something was wrong.
He walk along the huts n saw something he never expected. It was hasyeon's phone on the floor. His eyes went widen n grab the phone . Hasyeon will never lose her phone, she love her phone more than her life!
Taehyung heard someone's screaming. He threw the candies ,while putting her phone in his pocket n ran to the direction where the scream came from.
He spot to behind a hut . He looked around n saw hasyeon shruggling to get off from a man.
"Let me go u BASTARD!"
" Someone beautiful like u shouldn't be here alone. So let's go n have some fun. I swear u won't regret." The man said , Hasyeon tried her best to get off from him. He tried to touch her chest but suddenly a straight punch land on the man's face.
Hasyeon gasped n look at the person.
"How dare u tried to touch my sister?! Get the fuck off from here or I swear I'll make u end in here!" He yelled at the man .
Hasyeon looked at her brother's furious face. She knew how much dangerous can her brother get when he's angry .
Taehyung turned around n cup her face.
"You alright right?"
She nodded her head n looked up at him.
"Oppa watch out!"
The man came back n slam taehyung to the ground but taehyung managed to get on top him n threw punches at his face, making his nose cover from blood.
"Oppa stop , let him go..." Hasyeon tried to pull taehyung back .
Taehyung stand up , giving a last kick on his stomach.
"Leave!" He yelled at him. Man got up n ran away .
"O-oppa I-I..."
"You!" Taehyung point at her. "Do u know how much I got worried?! How many times did I told u to not to wear shorts! And u really can't listen to me right?! I told u to stay there! How can I live something happened to u?!" Taehyung yell at her face out of anger but his anger disappeared as soon as he saw his sister crying while looking down .
"Come here" Taehyung took her into his embrace, hugging her tightly as he can n plant a kiss on her head. Hasyeon bruid her face on him while mumbling sorry.
Hasyeon was her buddy, his friend n crime partner most of all she's his healer. She's the only girl in his life. They were both small when their parents died , but even to he was little he made a promise to their parents that he he will never let anything happen to his lil sister. He always thought that his life will be bored without her.He felt soulless even by imagine something happen to her.
Taehyung pulled her back n wiped her tears. "Let's go now... Hyung n noona must be searching for us"
He gave a soft smile at her. She sniffed n look at her brother n saw that his lower lip was bleeding.
"Oppa ur lip-" Her eyes started to get taery again. She couldn't bare seeing her lil oppa getting hurt bcuz of her. She hates to see him hurt in anyway .
"It's ok as long as u ok" he pinched her nose . "Don't be a cry bby n kaja . U can treat this when we went home and oh don't tell hyung about this or this will be the last time we both can go out alone but this is ur last time u r going out alone!ok?!"
Hasyeon nodded. Taehyung smiled n wrapped his hand around her shoulder.

💘Kim Fam 💘

So this is what actually happened!
Hope u liked it! Bye bye my lovesss!

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