God's precious gift

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The hospital room was filled with the sound of Yaseol's pained breathing and the beeping of machines as Jin stood by her side, holding her hand and trying to offer comfort as she endured the intensity she is going through. 

His heart was pounding in his chest as he watched her contort in pain with each contraction. He felt helpless, unable to take away her suffering, but he knew that he had to be strong for her. To be her emotional support. 

"It's okay..." He whispered brushing his lips against her forehead. "I love you". As he watched her, he couldn't help but think about how much he loved her. She was his rock, his best friend, his everything. And now, as he saw her going through this incredible feat of strength, he felt even more in awe of her.

The pain was coming fast and strong now, and Yaseol's whole body was tense with the effort she is putting through. She tried to focus on her breathing, inhaling deeply through her nose and exhaling slowly through her mouth, but the pain was overwhelming. Somehow her love being her side made her feel at ease. She thought about all the ways that Jin had supported her during the pregnancy, from massaging her feet to listening to her worries. She knew that he was just as invested in this process as she was and that he was feeling the weight of the responsibility too.

As another contraction hit, she squeezed Jin's hand tightly and looked into his eyes. She tried to project a sense of calm and reassurance, even as her own body was wracked with pain.

"You too, remember to breathe, love," she said smiling, softly. "You're doing great. We're in this together."

Jin nodded, "We are a team",  his eyes shining with tears. Yaseol could see the fear and uncertainty etched on his face, and she knew that she had to be strong for both of them.

"Imaging all the sleepless nights ahead of us, changing diapers, washing clothes, putting her to sleep" She chuckled softly, "It will be chaotic"

"I will be in charge of everything, you just have to rest" He whispered caressing her cheek, and looking into her eyes. "You are so beautiful darling, most beautiful in the whole universe" 

Yaseol smiled through the tears, "It hurts as hell but why do I feel like this is the best moment of my life? Maybe because you are flirting with me?", she hissed in pain.

Jin smiled. "It's because I love you just so much".


"Yah duck face! What took you so long to come home!" Hasyeon complained as soon as Taehyung entered the house. He was busy because now his university life is starting.  

"I'm sorry it's taken so long to take the bus during this rush hour, "Taehyung said quickly washing his hands. "If you are ready we can go to the hospital".

"I'm ready! more than ever!" She said smiling widely. "I'm so excited to see our baby! don't you think she will look after me" She said cupping her face.

"Cut the crap, we can take noona's car right?" 

"Yes, the key is on the kitchen counter." She said checking the caller ID of the incoming call. "It's Oppa!" 

"Answer it!" Taehyung said walking to her excitedly.


"She is here"

"Omg!!! We are on our way to see her!" Hasyeong exclaimed in happiness as Tae snatched the phone away from her. 

"Is Noona alright? and the baby?" 

"Yes they are, noona is holding the baby right now" Jin's voice was shaky.

"Hyung, are you okay, are you freaking crying?"

"I'm just so happy man! I'm looking at the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in my life!". 

Tae shook his head and hung up the call. "Let's go Hasyeon," He said walking out of the house. "He acts as nothing can shake him and there he is crying for something he should be laughing about"


"She is so tiny and soft," Hasyeon said carefully touching the baby's pinkish cheek. "Can I hold her?"

"Are you responsible enough to do so? Please don't. She is so fragile... Let hyung carry her for now" Taehyun whispered taking the tiny hand in his giant palm. 

"Yah Duck face!"

"Hey hey," Jin chuckled. "Keep it low, eonnie is sleeping. She is exhausted".

"She is so pure and innocent," Tae said sniffing.

"Wait a minute! Duck face is crying!"

"No, I'm not!" He said drying off his eyes. 

"If you guys keep fighting I will have to send you home okay?"

"Hyung can I hold her for a minute?"

"Sure, why not. Come sit beside me"

Jin carefully placed the little soul who was sleeping peacefully on to Tae's arms.

Tae couldn't take his eyes away from the tiny thing. 

The little bundle of joy was fast asleep, curled up in a soft white blanket with tiny fingers and toes peeking out. Tae couldn't believe how small she was, and how perfect.

As he watched her chest rise and fall with each peaceful breath, he couldn't help but smile. "She's amazing," he whispered to Jin.

"I know," he replied with a contented smile. "I still can't believe she's ours."

Tae nodded, his eyes never leaving the baby

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Tae nodded, his eyes never leaving the baby. He reached out a finger and gently stroked her cheek, marveling at how soft her skin was. He felt a sense of protectiveness wash over him, a fierce desire to keep her safe from harm.

"She's going to be so loved," he said softly. "And I can't wait to watch her grow up. I promise to be the best uncle in the world"

Jin smiled and gave a gentle pat on Tae's arm. He was so grateful to god for the moment he is living.

"Isn't she looking just like me?" Hasyeong said holding her gaze at the baby.

Tae raised an eyebrow. "You can't be serious. Either you are blind or stupid. Can't you see how pretty she is? unlike you"


The Kim Fam by JinekzWhere stories live. Discover now