Spring day : A new beginning

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'he isn't even glancing at me', it was a battle in her head, since she got into the car, Jin didn't even looked at her for sec, even now he is Just focusing on driving, not a word, not a stare just doing his work. Hasyeon's heart clenched, it was killing her, 'should I tell everything about what happened or not? Will they understand? Will they let me to do things for jungkook?' Hasyeon was going crazy than ever. She wanted to cry, she wanted to explain them what happened but how? "ahm... Oppa, I wanna do a part time job", ough stop ignoring me!


The deep silence in the car was really uncomfortable for Hasyeon. Tae was closing his eyes, plugging his earphones in his own world. Time to time the deep sighs of Jin was the only thing she heard. His furrowed eyebrows were clearly showed how angry he was. It was a disappointment more than an anger. He trusted her,he thought that Hasyeon was gonna change. His eyes were a knife in Hasyeon's heart, the sharp point digging deeper. Where there had been love,now was a furiousness, but it's all because he loves her more than anything and worrying about her. Uncomfortable with the void, he had filled it with an emotion he was more at ease with - raw anger. The unmoving gaze was accompanied by deliberate slow breathing, like he was fighting something back and loosing. Suddenly the ringing tone of Jin's phone breaked the ice in the car. Hasyeon watched his every single movement, expecting at least a stare from him. His gaze went to the carplay screen as he fixed his earbud and then answered the call with another deep sigh. "Yes baby?"..... "No I'm taking them somewhere,hm, don't worry i will explain later. okay. You too, take care,bye". 'yes, it's eonnie' Hasyeon's mind spoke, 'but to where does he taking us?',
"O-oppa, where are we going?", her words shuttered yet she gain confidence to ask what bothered her at the moment. It took more than 2 minutes but Jin didn't give any response, it was like Hasyeon is invisible. "Hyung? Are we going somewhere?" this time it was Tae, "yeah, to meet someone"
'huh! He is ignoring me!?' Hasyeon scoffed in mind and looked outside of the window then another question pop up, 'to meet wh-' "to meet whom?" 'huh! This duck face did read my mind just now!' "someon you know, you'll see"


"Both,get off from the car", Jin said as got off and then he closed the door. Yes, they arrived at the place where brings a huge pain to all of them. The cemetery,where thier parents are. Seeing this place brought them the most bitter memory in their lives. Their parents funeral. Hasyeon and Tae still felt how tight Jin was hugging them both,kneeling down as his eyes were watering like a waterfall, while their parents leaving them not to come back again. The sadness drained through them rather than skating over their skin. It travelled through every cell to reach the ground. Before Taehyun and Hasyeon exit the car and make their way over the frozen turf they took their grief and ball it up so tight none can escape. The sun shone brilliantly and the virescent colour of the spring day under it's glare was offensively bright and cheerful. It was as if they conspired to show them how the world would go on without their parents. But to them everything was as grey and foggy as their emotions, was cold and damp with silent air. But the birds still sang and the flowers still bloomed. Hasyeon and Tae walked through the cemetery, following Jin,wishing they really were insubstantial as the shadows so that their insides might not feel so mangled. As they took steps near where their parents were,tears began to flow.They weren't ashamed. they loved their parents, so much. Now their parents were gone, a light had been extinguished forever in their heart. Struggling to hold back the grief, tears flow steadily, silently down immobile face, feel bruised inside, numbness, emptiness, while looking at their grave, although they have gone already, their souls unwilling to acknowledge the finality of death, never to look upon their face again or feel their embrace, see the warmth in their eyes, be surrounded by their love. "Eomma, Appa" Jin started as the tears stream down, "How have you been?" he continued as Hasyeon fell into her knees and Tae sobbing silently, looking away. Jin slowly inhale a deep breath then turned to Hasyeon, wiping away his tears. "Hasyeon, who am I to you?", He asked gaining the attention of both little siblings. Hasyeon sniffed and wiped her nose then stood up while facing Jin. "You are my brother of course" Jin noded then closed his eyes before he continued again. "Is there anything you need that I'm not providing you? ........ Answer is there anything? Ah?", his voice raised, "Why can't you just focus on your studies and make your path for your future!? Why are you being so arrogant and stubborn!? A a part time job? no i will never let you work! I'm giving you everything you want what's more? just do your part Hasyeon! Remember you are still just a kid! You can't act like this!? Skipping school secretly, going hand outs with strangers, clubbing, what is this!? Have you ever wondered how much i suffered because of you!? How much you caused a pain to me!?", "STOP! Enough! I'm not a kid anymore! Stop interrupting with my life! If eomma and appa were alive this will never happen! You limits my freedom! Did you even ask me why i skipped school today? Why i wanted to do a part time job? You never let me do manythings that i want to do! I don't want your damn money anymore! Just give me my freedom! Let me handle my things!", Jin's heart shattered into pieces, he never expected to hear something like this from Hasyeon ever. He felt a lump chocking his throat and felt uncomfortable with breathing too. He felt like his heart is gonna stop, does she really meant it? He felt like he is gonna fell on the ground so he soon grabbed Tae's arm and made himself steady. Tae quickly held his brother, he clearly saw the sorrow in Jin's eyes, at the moment Tae was speechless. He didn't knew what side should he take, Jin sacrificed everything he loved to do just for Tae and Hasyeon. "Of course I love you the most!" Hasyeon continued, "But now at the same time I HATE YOU!" Words flew from her mouth that she never thought she'd even think, but then instantly she started to regret about what she just said to the person who loves her the most. She had no courage to say more nor to face her oppa anymore. She turned around and ran away, covering her mouth,not letting anyone hear her sobs. "g-go after her" Jin mumbled to Tae ,who was still holding him. "Hyung?" "I-i'm okay, just go,make sure about her safety", then Tae sighed and noded and ran after Hasyeon. The emptiness in his heart, the numbness pounding his brain, the salty tears that flowed unchecked from his eyes, the shear nothingness that now took hold of his soul threatened to engulf him entirely. His legs buckled, knees sinking into the sodden earth "I'm useless! I'm a failed brother! A failed guardian! I always wanted to do the best for them! Why this happens to me always!"

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