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Jungkook was walking back to lab after meeting their teacher. he has codified as the best sudent ofthe year. He was too excited to see hasyeon's reaction. He knew she will jump around like a little kid . he was lost in thoughts until he saw  everyone were running . he held one of boy's arm who was running, making him stop .
"why is everyone in a hurry?"
"lab is on fire!"
Jungkook freezed on the spot.
"w-what? w-which lab?"
"chemistry lab!"
Jungkook release the boy's hand as his heart began to race. It was their period on lab.
he ran towards the lab . the air was filled with smoke, making hard to breath. He covered his nose n looked for hasyeon but she was no where to find. A panic ran through his body suddenly he saw sang-hae coming out of the building while coughing . jungkooks eyes widen n ran to her before she fell on the ground then make her sit.
"sang-hae! Are u okay?! Wheres hasyeon?"
sang-hae held jungkooks shoulders while coughing n trying to breath.
"h-hasyeon ... shes s-still in there, she was helping others but got s-stuck... u have to help h-her. Quick!"
she bend down again , coughing.
Jungkook stood up not knowing what to do. Someone grabbed his color before he took a step to the building.
"wheres HASYEON?!"
it was Taehyung n jimin on his side. Panic was clearly visible on his face.
"shes s-still in there..."
"what?! U DIDN'T HELP HER?!" taehyung yell at his face , making the grip more tight.
" I wasn't in here! And do u think I'll leave her like that?!" Jungkook yelled back . taehyung released him n ran fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes.
"nothing else to do..."
"tehyung don't u dare..."
before jimin finshed the sentence , taehyung rush into building, grabbing a wet cloth on someone's hand . Jungkook tried to ran in too but jimin held him back.
"don't be stupid!"
the door frame shattered down, making their eyes widen n gasp.
"f*ck... theres no way they can get out!" jimin messed his hair , thinking what to do .
Jungkook looked down frustrated .
"the window..."
jimin looked at Jungkook. "the window on back!"
Jungkook nodded ran towards the window.
"its too high..."
"bent down..."
"just bend down!"
"ah ok"
jimin bend down n Jungkook climbed upto his shoulders.
"u r heavy.."
Jungkook didn't tell anything n tried to open the window.
"shit! Its lock on inside"
Jungkook took a deep brath n hit the glass from his elbow. After few times, glass  shattered . Jungkook hissed as he felt glass piercing his skin n bleeding . he put the hand through the shattered glass n open the window.


"hasyeon!" taehyung coughed as the air getting more tight.
everthing was burned up, fire was everywhere. Taehyung blinked his eyes due to the smoke.
"yah answer me u punk!"
Taehyung shot his head towards the voice. His eyes widen as he saw hasyeon was in floor, a desk on hersmall body.
"oh my god..."
taehyung ran towards her n tap her cheek.
"yahhh! Open ur eyes!"
she didn't opend her eyes making taehyung more worried.
"shit.." he mumbled n pull the desk away from her . taehyung quickly take off his went cloth n cover hasyeon's nose.
"hold on princess..."
taehyung picked her up n looked around to see a way to get out of there . the smoke was getting higher n higher . taehyung can feel his lungs filling up with smoke.
"hyung!" a voice heard from back. Taehyung smiled seeing Jungkook on the window but his smile soon faded as he saw the a gas tank got onto fire.
taehyung quickly went there n gave hasyeon to jungkook's arms.
"quick take hasyeon! Gas going to explode!"
Jungkook look towards the gas, his heart stopped knowing if it blast , everthing will burned up
"just quick!"
Jungkook took hasyeon onto arms .
taehyung looked back n saw it was too close to explode. He tried to jump but he was too weak. His vision was getting blured . he shook his head trying to get back to hi seances but....tank explode.






"is he alright?"
"yeah... his lungs got weak but now its stable. His head cracked a bit due to the falling. Im sure he'll be ok after few weeks n he'll wake up soon."
jin, yaseol , jimin n jungkook sighed in relief knowing taehyung was ok. Hasyeon's conditions wasn't bad just her lungs also got a little weak.
"thank u doctor."
doctor nodded n walk away . jin turned to jimin n Jungkook .
"thank u for helping them...I owe u two. If u didn't pull tae up,hes dead by now."
Jungkook shook his head.
"its nothing... family is for help right?" jimin nodded.
jin smiled n pat his back.
"I'm glad about that u both with them."

💘Kim Fam 💘

The Kim Fam by JinekzWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu