Dinner party

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"ough I thought u won't able come?"
Jin said giving her tight hug.
"How come I not ?" Jisoo giggled while breaking the hug.
"So may I come in?"
"O-oh yeah sure!"
Jin backed away , giving her space to enter.
Jin had arranged a dinner party as the get together and the opportunity to tell the good news. He was kinda exited to see his all friends reaction and at the same time he's happy to see them together.
"Hey jisoo!"
"Hey Joon... It's been a long time , isn't it? I even had forgot ur face." Jisoo said while sitting across the couch from Namjoon.
"I'm not doubting that." Joon said , getting a sip of his orange juice.
"How's in America? I thought you already got married even without telling us." Hoseok teasingly asked making namjoon give him an annoying face.
"Don't tease me Hoseok and oh and speaking of which , jisoo didn't u found anyone yet? U already has thousands of followers in Instagram. I can't accept the fact that no one asking u out. "
Jisoo bit her cherry lips n grab hoseok's drink.
There it goes again. The topic she never wants to talk, it's just piercing her heart more. Yes, namjoon was right . Lot has asked her out n she also tried but it never works out. She couldn't move on , her heart isn't letting go of her first love . How hard she tried to push that feelings away it's just getting more stronger. So she gave up .
Little did hoseok knew jisoo like Jin n saw how uncomfortable she came . He cleared his throat.
"Ok cut it out and hey! That's my drink!"
"Who cares?" Jisoo playfully said while taking another sip. A small smile appeared on hoseok's face. He knew she likes him but is it really cuz of Jin? This long? But it is impossible. He's already married. She's his friend , he never want see her like this. He was debating himself wether he should ask her or not until...
"UNNIE!" Hasyeon gave her a tight hug along with a giggle. Jisoo chuckled n back away.
"I got u something." She smiled.
Hasyeon's eyes widen.
"Hmm..." Jisoo nodded while pulling a large chocolate.
"Oh my heavily father! Thank u unnie u r the best! Unlike the one who spend ages in America." Hasyeon said while giving a side glance at Namjoon.
"Yah! I brought u brand new shoes!"
"But it's too big!"
"It's not my fault u r small in size."
Hasyeon make a 😑 face.
"I'm not that small u know, I'm average size."
"But still u e tini tiny " namjoon smirked while hasyeon groaned.
Everyone laughed at hasyeon's annoyed face.
"Do u guys need anything? O-oh j-jisoo hi..." Yaseol said smiling. Jisoo smiled n gave her a warm hug while yaseol returned back.
"How have u been? U had gain some Wight " jisoo said giggling while yaseol shyly scratch her neck.
"I'm kidding, u r beautiful as always."
"Oh jisoo Noona , I didn't even hear u coming."
Everyone gaze turned to taehyung who's wearing a ripped black jeans along with a black jacket, a one long earing with his usual cold face.
"Wow that boy had gone more handsome. " Namjoon whispered.
"Oh hey handsome ..." jisoo smirked.
"Where r u going?" Yaseol asked in confusion.
"Bet u all have adult talks and I don't wanna bother . Me n hasyeon heading out. "
Yaseol's gaze then turned to see hasyeon with a purple dress n high ponytail. Yaseol raised an eyebrow.
"I didn't saw that coming..."
Hasyeon nagged into taehyung's arm.
"He promised to take me on a bro-sis date! From HIS money."
"I didn't said that"
"Oh u did!"
Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Whatever"
"But-" yaseol got cutted by a hand which held her back gripping on her waist.
"Take care both of u... make sure to come home before 10"
Taehyung nodded.
"Kaja u clingy ." Taehyung went out .
Sticking her tongue out at him, she waved at everyone then followed her brother out.
Jin turned to his friends. "So wanna eat or do something else?"
"Eat would be better." Hoseok said, cheekily smiling.
" Same as always" Jisoo said shaking her head.
"Ok then let's head out! Dinner is ready on back yard."


"So... u said there's something to tell us." Joon said while taking a bite of his food.
"Oh well that." Jin looked at yaseol who next him , already gone all red, biting food silently. Nervous than ever. Jin chuckled seeing her then lift his chin up.
"We r going to be parents."
Whole situation went silent. Jisoo's fork dropped to her plate while Hoseok n Namjoon blinking their eyes not sure wether they heard it correctly or not.
"W-wait wait what? U r not kidding right? " Hoseok asked , turning his head to Yaseol. Yaseol nodded her head still looking down unable to hide her smile.
"Oh mY wHip oN hOt cRosS CriMsoN BuN! Finally! We r gonna be uncles I thought u two never will srsly Fuc-" hoseok hit joon's stomach from elbow before he continue his sentence more. Joon whiced from pain.
"You really don't know how to use ur mouth aren't u? Tsk " hoseok said crossing his arms. "Why u?! U can't just hit me like that!" Joon said , grabbing his neck , locking it with arm.
Jin n yaseol laughed .
"Yah yah go easy don't kill him"
Joon relesed him , scoffing while Hoseok gasped . "Jeezzz u r scary" hoseok smile at Jin .
"Congrats bro n u too yaseol . I'm happy uk"
"Well... Sana knew all along ."
"What?! She didn't tell! I'm her boyfriend n plus u r my best friend not hers! how can she hide such an important thing like this from me!?Aishh I'll get her when I go back home! "
"Oh cmon don't blame her . I told not to tell . I wanted to gather all n I thought this will be the best time. "
"Two birds in one stone , huh?" Joon said smirking.

U can say that" Jin smirked back.
Hoseok turned his gaze into yaseol again.
" Take care ok? Get proper rest n meals. Inform me right away if u need something. " He smiled warmly as yaseol nod her head.

Jin turned his head towards jisoo who was all silent during whole time just staring at her plate while gripping her chest tightly.
"Auh jisoo r u alright?"
Jisoo snapped out flinching to jin's voice.
She looked at Jin n gave her usual warm smile then nodded.
"Are u sure ?"
"O-oh yeah I was just shocked. Congratulations both of u . I'm happy for u two."
She had to admit , it hurts. It hurts than ever. She knew she shud feel happy to see the person she loves happy but she can't help it. This was peircing her heart. She knew this will come sooner or later but she never got ready for this. Jisoo looked up at Jin who was laughing along with his friends while wrapping his arm around yaseol's shoulder. A smile went up to her face. All were happy. Joon was always okay by his self. He has his own way to enjoy his life. Hoseok had reached his dream already n cherish as ever. Jin had a really tough time but all vanished just by yaseol's arrival . All r doing great . That's all matters right?
She chuckled while shaking head n gripping her dress more tight.
Yaseol saw how unease jisoo in , how worst she must be feeling.


"Here's the rest. Ough got lot to clean up." Jisoo said placing plates on the sink while a sigh escaped from her mouth.
"Yeah I guess." Yaseol said getting plate n starting to wash the dishes.
"Let me do it , u go n rest ." Jin softly get the plate away from yaseol n turning to sink. Jisoo pushed Jin away from sink n get the plate from his hands.
"U go n catch up with those two. " Jisoo said opening the tap. "I bet Joon got lack of stories to tell~~~" Jisoo teasingly said .
"Are u sure? I can-"
"Blah blah blah don't act fancy I know u . Go go chatterbox. "
Jin chuckled n shaking his head.
"Hm hm"
Jin smiled n turned around while placing a kiss on yaseol head who's staring at both.
Yaseol let a small smile n get the whiper cloth.
"Ahmm j-jisoo?"
"Yeah yaseol?"
Yaseol bit her lower lip nervously.
"I-I m sorry..."
Jisoo frowned n turn to Yaseol.
"U know... U ahh like j-jin. I know it must be hurt but -"
"It doesn't matter right? And I'm sorry"
"Huh?" Yaseol looked up panicked trying to understand what she said. Jisoo laughed seen yaseol's face.
"Hey why did u panicked? I'm not trying to stole ur husband ya know. I apologize, I couldn't get over my feelings. U must be noticed that already. " Jisoo chuckled n sighed. "The past is past. Present is present. We have to admit the reality wether it's bitter or sweet and as I told I don't want be the evil in someone else's story."
Yaseol let a small soft smile . "I know..."


Few years ago ~

Yaseol went to the restaurant as jisoo informed her to come. She was playing with her fingers while looking out of the window , sitting on a corner table, wondering why she had asked to come. Of course she felt nervous. Jisoo was one of the most popular girls in highs school . Rich n stunning. Everyone had shipped her with Jin in skool back then n proving ships r just ships . Now yaseol was dating him for 2 months n that makes her worry about this sudden invite. Even tho skool r over she still felt nervous.
"Did I make u wait so long?"
Yaseol almost fell off from seat , flinching to the voice.
"Oh my goodness , I'm sorry if I scare u. "
Yaseol shook her head . "Ah n-no no ! It's okay. " She smiled at jisoo while jisoo sat infront of her.
"It's pretty cold right? Winter had already come." Jisoo said while fixing her scarf n looking out of window.
Yaseol hummed, couldn't hold her tongue back she asked.
"Why did u asked me to meet u? "
Jisoo chuckled.
"Are u that curious? Well it's nothing much but...." Jisoo move her eyes to Yaseol. "Thank u."
"Huh?!" Yaseol drown more confuse.
Jisoo nodded.
"U brought jin's smile back. I owe u one."
Yaseol's eyes widen . "Jisoo I-"
"Shh... It's ok don't feel bad. It's my fault that I'm late. There's saying if u r going to hell go into it first. " Jisoo chuckled.
Yaseol looked down. "Don't hate me, please."
"Hate u? Nooo! Not in million years! But I need a promise."
Yaseol looked up. "Keep his smile alive n don't tell about my feelings to him."
Yaseol stare at her. She was totally different than what she imagined. She thought jisoo will threatened her or something like that but none happened. Yaseol nodded.
"Then I'm backing off" jisoo said while standing up. "Ah a one more favour?" Jisoo turned around to her. "let me hang out with Jin like the same. Can u? "
"Ah huh? Y-yeah of course. There's no place for me to stop u "
Jisoo smiled looking down.
"I bet u imagined me as in wrong way but ..." She turned around. " believe me, I don't want to be an evil in someone else's story."

💘Kim Fam 💘

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