Chapter 82

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Grace exited the elevator where the rest of her team were waiting for her. Her arms were wrapped around herself as she slowly walked towards her team. James slipped off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.
"Hey, what happened?" He asked, seeing her underdressed state and the blank look on her face. But Grace couldn't answer him, she was still in shock. The elevator doors opened once again and two agents got off with Robert in their hands.
"Give me two minutes" Grace moved to Michael's side, pulling him down the hallway slightly, out of earshot but not out of sight.
"I'm sorry" Michael muttered before he slipped his cuffed hands around her neck, hugging her tightly.
"You don't have to be sorry. Why did you do it?" She muttered back.
"I killed him because he never should've hurt you, that's my fault. I'm sorry baby girl" he frowned deeply at her before he slipped his hands back from over her head. Grace gave him one last small smile before she let the agents take him and she rejoined the others.
"What did he say to you?" James asked gently, the blank look still in her eyes.
"He killed him because I couldn't" Grace told him before she fell into his arms, her head burying into his neck as he held her as close and as tight as she needed.

"How do you want to do this?" James asked her as they all stood outside her childhood home.
"We do this together" she told him, squeezing the hand that was in hers lightly before they headed inside "Mom?" She called before Rosaline came into view, freezing in place as she looked over her daughter.
"Is he dead?" Grace shook her head no.
"You arrested him?" Grace shook her head yes.
"Was he really bad?"
"He shot Robert, mom. He shot the bastard" Grace told her before she ran into her mother's arms.
"He did everything that I couldn't" she muttered.
"Your trying now. That's all that matters" Grace muttered back. She wiped her eyes on her hand before she turned to the others "I want to do something but I need your help" Grace announced, her fear showing through her eyes.
"Anything" James nodded before Grace took led everyone upstairs. She led them along the hall to the very last door, her hand was shaking as she reached out to take hold of the knob. She hesitated, taking a deep breath before she turned the knob and pushed the door open, revealing her childhood bedroom.
"This is where it happened. After Tom pulled him off me, I never went back in here" Grace told them before she took two slow steps into the room. She moved to her bed, touching the covers lightly as she let out a shuddering breath. She climbed onto the bed and closed her eyes, the feeling of being back in that room overwhelming her. James moved over to the bed, climbing onto it before he wrapped her in his arms. Marco joined them, his reassuring hand going to James' shoulder as Lilly moved into the room. She sat on the end of the bed, taking hold of Grace's ankle as Sadie took hold of Lorenzo's hand and they moved to sit on the end of the bed. Aneesa moved to lie of the edge, her legs resting over Lorenzo's, her reassuring hand going to James' leg. Grace let out another shuddering breath as she felt the love and support of her family, but also the pain and the anger of the past. So many things were locked away inside of her, kept hidden from those she loved. She had so many questions too, unanswered questions about her childhood. But this, these people, their love for her, never needed explanation, nor did it leave her with any unanswered questions because they just loved one another, completely. Her father, loved her without question. Her mother, through all her faults, loved her daughter completely.
Rosaline watched from the doorway at the family her daughter had created for herself. She felt proud, and overwhelmed, and like a complete disappointment.
Grace turned to her mother and held her hand out to her, telling her that all was forgiven. Rosaline climbed onto the bed, her knees going under Grace's head before she held her daughter close. She ran her hand over her daughters head, watching as her eyes drifted close slowly.
Her pain was over. Her mind and heart could finally rest. The monster was gone and her mother was here. Grace could finally rest because she was finally safe and loved completely.

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