Making Decisions

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Elsa's P.O.V.

"It's been two weeks since we made the decision of me to go with Hiccup and I still haven't told him. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to tell him? What if he doesn't like the idea? What if he says I should stay here??"

Astrid paces around my office as she contemplates telling Hiccup her plan. We had agreed that she should go with Hiccup when he leaves since it'll make her the happiest. She could stay here but I can already see the life fading from her when he leaves. I can't see her like that. I've seen it once, and it was terrible. I don't want to see it again.

"Just relax, Astrid. It'll be okay. Just be honest. Tell him that we talked and that you'd like to go with him. Once he knows, then you guys can chat about how to go about things," I say, getting up from my chair to calm her down.

She stops in her tracks and looks at me like I'm crazy. I can't help but release a chuckle as I place my hands on her shoulders. "It's going to be okay, Astrid, I promise."

"You don't know that. Things could go horribly wrong," she says, "They're supposed to leave in three weeks! What if going with him ends up being a bad idea?? What if something happens here to you while I'm away, then what? Someone will have to notify me so I can come back to help."

"Are you doubting things already?? Since when did Astrid Freya Hofferson start doubting herself?" I ask, "You have had the past month to get to know Hiccup. I feel like if you didn't want to be with him, you would've moved along by now."

"But I do want to be with him! Ever since we started hanging out more and more, and we shared a kiss, I've become head over heels for him. I swear, I've become a child on Christmas who got the gift they always wanted," she responds, running her hands through her hair.

"And something tells me he wants to be with you," I smile, "I see the way he looks at you. And I even remember him telling you he loved you after playing a song for you. You have nothing to worry about. Just tell him that you want to go with him when he leaves. Then, from that point forward, the two of you can figure out what you can do."

I watch as her hands drop to her sides as she takes in what I just said. She remains quiet as she walks over and plops a seat on the loveseat nearby. She sits there with her gaze on the ground for quite a while. Emotions fill her face as I walk over and take a seat next to her. She stays quiet for a moment longer before speaking up.

"I can't help but be scared, Elsa. I don't know what his reaction is going to be and I don't even know what his town is like. From what I've gathered, he lives in a place much different than this. He doesn't have dragons or villages like this. The world he lives in is different from what I'm, we're used to. How am I supposed to get used to that?"

"He'll be there to help you, Astrid. He wouldn't let you go through all of that alone," I answer.

Her fears are understandable. He is from a different society than we are. Jack is too. They live in a world with technology and items that can help them do certain things. We've lived with our way of life since we were born. I eventually want to add modern elements to our town as Jack suggested but I'm not sure how that's going to go. But if Jack ends up staying here, I don't want Astrid to feel left out. She should be allowed to be with Hiccup.

"Before you even think about how you'll adjust to his world, tell him you want to go with him. That's the first step. He needs to know you want to be there with him. If he doesn't know then he'll leave without ever knowing I'd you wanted to be with him. Tell him, Astrid. You need to."

I watch as she nods her head slowly. "Yeah, you're right. I need to tell him... but how?"

I smile and place a kiss on her forehead, the same way our mother did for us. "Just say it. Sit down with him and say it."

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