Turnabout Argument ~ 1 ~ Lucas

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Note: The name in the title refers to the point of view the story is shown from. Please note that the opening doesn't always apply to this.

Two people, a boy and a girl, stood facing each other.

"Just because you're all buddy-buddy with the chief Prosecutor doesn't mean you can order us lot around, you know!"

"E-Excuse me?!"

"Yeah that's right. I said it. And I intend to stand by that statement."

"You say that, but really, you're just a coward. Hell, you couldn't even stab someone if you tried!"

"Oh really?"
The boy drew out a knife.
"Wanna bet?"

"Go on then!" The girl scoffed. "Stab me!"

The boy suddenly lurched forwards, and the knife punched into the girl's stomach.

"Y-You...actually...stabbed me..."
The girl slumped against the wall.

Why did I...
...why did I do that?!)

"It seems you've come across a problem."
A figure in a black suit with a mask on walked up to the boy.
"I'm here to help you get out of this terrible situation.
You can call me....
...the Black Raven."

March 3rd
District Court - Defendant Lobby no 5

A man with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a red tunic, stood alone in the defendant lobby.
And that person was me,
Lucas Red.
(...Why did Ms Amaya call me here in the first place?
She said it was 'To make up for you not being included in the A Cappella case'
But I don't even know who the defendant is...
...guess I'm going in blind...)


I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Ms Amaya-!" I sighed with relief.
I may or may not have thought she was going to abandon me.

Felicity Amaya in question had short, purple hair and purple eyes. She was wearing a purple scarf (she says it matches with her eyes...) with a blue t-shirt and shorts.

"Um..." I noticed she called me 'Luco' again. She does that. A lot. "You...do realise that my name's 'Lucas', right?"

"Of coooourse I do!" She smirked. "I just prefer calling you 'Luco'."

"Anyway..." I decided to steer away from the topic as much as possible. I have a trial to do! "...You said that someone has requested the defence of a boy, right?"

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Felicity cleared her throat. To me, this was a bad sign. For all I knew, she could start to sing again... "...May I introduce to you...
The Chief Prosecutor of the local district, requesting the defence of Anton Burke!"

As if on queue, which led me to think that they had planned this entrance, a man and a young boy entered the defendant's lobby.

The man, I knew. I'd seen him in the papers. It was the Chief Prosecutor of the local district, Ghastly Bespoke.

Chief Prosecutor Bespoke had a black bikers outfit on (why a chief prosecutor wears something like that I will never know...), with his brown hair dropping over his left eye.

Behind him, a young boy with blonde hair, his blue eyes covered by sunglasses, who wore a fancy white suit.

I assumed this was the defendant.

"Ah." The Chief Prosecutor walked up to me and shook my hand. "You must be the one defending Anton today. Lucas Red, was it?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Chief Prosecutor Bespoke." I stuck with formalities.

"Please, call me Ghastly." He glanced down at Anton. "...I do hope you'll find Anton innocent, as Ms Amaya over here tells me you're the best defence attorney in the town."

I looked at Ms Amaya, confused. She gave me the thumbs up in a kind of 'I-may-have-lied-a-little-here-but-just-go-with-it way.
"Oh...really?" I chuckled nervously. "By the way...where's Prosecutor Bloom? Isn't she the one usually with Anton?"
What? Can't kick me for being curious.

Anton suddenly tensed up, and hid behind Ghastly.
'Ghastly' (as he would want me to call him) looked down at the floor, his smile faded.

"...You'll find out soon." He muttered. "Anyway, I hope you have fun with the Prosecutor today, Roberto Shield or whatever...although personally I prefer Danny Murder..."

A small sigh escaped my lips. I was kinda hoping for Ryan to be the Prosecutor for today...

"Heeeeeey! Lucoooo!" Ms Amaya waved her arms about to get my attention.

"Y-Yes, Ms Amaya?" She caught me off guard there. Stupid me, daydreaming about the Prosecutor! You've got a job to do, Lucas!

"I've put the evidence you need in the court record. To access it, simply tap the 'Court record' button. Go on, tap it now!" Ms Amaya smiled at me.

In truth, I had no idea what she was talking about.

'Court record button?' What does she think this is, a game?

"Defence, defendant! Please proceed into the courtroom!" The Bailiff saluted us.

I saw Ghastly muttering a few words to Anton, but then Ms Amaya dragged me off into the courtroom...

I never seem to get a break, do I?
This was written at like 4 in the morning so there might be some mistakes in this or whatever.
But this case was originally going to be more to the end, but then I moved it to the first since there's not that much investigation.
So Anton is accused in the first trial.

Some people may be able to figure out who the girl is in the opening, but you'll have to wait until the end of the turnabout to find out who the boy was.



Lucas Red is owned by _Lucas_Red_
Roberto Shield/Danny Murder is owned by _lily_justice_

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