The Despairing Turnabout ~ 3 ~ Chrysalis

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March 8th
Detention Center - Cell no 2

I sat there, rotting in my cell. Well, it was more of a temporary holding cell, really.

Niamh (*cough* *cough* Nevada *cough* *cough* had swung by a few hours ago, telling me that even though she wasn't connected to the case, she'll do everything in her power to get me out of here. As a 'friendly token of friendship' she said.

I stared out of the window in boredom,  watching time pass by.

I shouldn't be in here! I should be watching that new boy, James, run around in that Cat outfit singing a theme tune to something!

"Salutations, o our mighty mysterious one!"

I looked up and saw a man entering my cell. He had the usual guard attire, with brown hair and the lot. He smiled at me, and sat down beside me.

"Is there a visitor here to see me?" I asked him, quite confused as to why he had sat down next to me. Most guards don't even look me in the eye...

"Why, yes!" The guard smirked. "And the visitor is none other than I!" His eyes lit up whilst saying this, leaving me even more confused.

"Um, who are you again...?" My head tilted sidewards, leaving my glasses to nearly fall off. Glasses problems.

"The name is Uttar Mistry, remember it well!" Mr. Mistry (as I now know him) bowed gracefully towards me. "I've come to see the little girl who has been imprisoned in these small cells. As a butterfly in the sky, I have arrived!"

I blinked, not quite sure of how to react to this. At least I had someone to talk to, I guess.

"I helped your brother investigate, may I add." He smiled like a Jester does when trying to please their crowd. "I expect he'll be on his way now, after talking to the Prosecution..."

"W-Wait, you know he's my brother?! And you helped him?!" I burst out, slightly shocked. Looks like this guy DOES know a few things about me...

Mr. Mistry's eyes opened wide, and he stopped his mysterious aura entirely. In fact, he had frozen up completely.

" something wrong?" I asked him.

"S-Something wrong?" He laughed nervously. "Ah ha ha ha ha-! Th-There's nothing wrong at all-! I'm absolutely fine-!"

I stood there in awkward silence, watching him trying to recover his composure.


I turned to find a young boy standing in the doorway of my cell. Looking at him closely, I could recognise his face from school.

"Ah! Mr. Burke! As if the little curls on your lovely blond hair could tell the future!" Mr. Mistry skipped to the doorway, before patting Anton on the head. "I shall inform Prosecutor Bloom of your whereabouts, shall I?"

Anton watched as Mr. Mistry skipped off, before approaching me. "I-I know Polly w-will get mad at me for v-visiting people on my o-own, but I c-came to give s-something to you..."

He put his small white backpack on the cell's bed and fished around for something. In the end, he pulled out a small white teddy bear.

"I-I won two of these a-at a carnival, and b-because I have load of these a-already, I wanted t-to give it to you." He gently put the bear in my hands and glanced away shyly.

I felt the bear's soft fur between the edges of my fingers, and gave a warm smile.

"I love it! Thanks, Anton! I'll treasure it forever!" I giggled and watched a small blush rise to the blond's cheeks.

Ace Attorney - Justice and Truthजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें