Turnabout A Cappella ~ 2 ~ Cotoli

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We all got into a car (which to me, seemed like a limo. I guess Felicity and Sky have money to spend) and started talking to one another. Lily pointed out Chrysalis' Magatama, and that's when we all found out that we had two spirit mediums with us.
I held onto my Magatama silently during the conversation.

Lucas kept getting hit by Felicity's scarf every time she turned around. He kept saying that her scarf was a 'Scarf of stone' which caused us all to laugh...

But anyway, we eventually arrived at our destination.

March 1st
Flyaway Fields

We got out of the car and walked into the field where the A Cappella Championships were being held only the day before.

Hard to believe that me and Chrysalis were only here yesterday...

A woman in a brown trench coat walked up to us. She had short brown hair and green eyes. She also wore a green bucket hat and an orange scarf.

She showed us a detective's ID card.
"Detective Vera Stanhope. That's Detective Stanhope to you lot." She glanced down at Sky. "Alright pet. I'll have to see some sort of identification of you want to access the crime scene."

Sky clicked his fingers and Felicity handed him some sort of ID card. "United Lawyers. We're here as requested...by you."

...Detective Stanhope called us here?

"Your help is very much appreciated, pet. You lot have better follow me, got that?" She started to walk to the stage.

"Detective Stanhope..." I started. "...how does she operate exactly? Is this somehow related to the fact that she invited us?" I might as well gather as much info as I can. Who knows? It could turn out useful.

"Detective Stanhope likes to collect everyone who is involved in the case and say her deductions that then lead to the arrest of the killer..." Sky explained. "...Well, she's more in charge of this case since the Prosecutor hasn't shown up yet..."

I heard Lily mutter something that I couldn't hear.

"Detective Stanhope does everything Professor Layton style!" Felicity explained.

Although no one knew who she was talking about.

"Hey! Who's the Detective talking to on the phone?" Lily pointed to Stanhope, who had stopped walking to the stage and was now talking to someone on the phone.

"So the Prosecutor hasn't arrived yet?" I heard her say. "...Alright love, I'll put my deductions on hold...I don't mind you coming until the Prosecutor does come pet...see you soon."

Come to think of it, she does use 'Pet' and 'Love' when referring to people...

"Alright. I've just had a minor complication..." Detective Stanhope walked back to us, rubbing her head. "...So I'm afraid you lot will have to stay here for a while. Sorry 'bout that."

"You don't have to apologise, Detective Stanhope." Chrysalis replied.

Sky clapped his hands. "I say we take this chance t-"

"Hit Luco with a frying pan!" Felicity suddenly interrupted Sky and held a frying pan in her hand which she got from...goodness knows where.

"!" Lucas took a step backwards as soon as he saw the frying pan.

"Is something the matter?" I asked him.

"...I had a sudden sense of danger when I saw the frying pan for some reason..." He whispered to me. "...it's probably just some déjà vu..." Huh. Weird.

"Felicity, I don't think that's a good idea..." Lily rubbed the back of her head.
...I agree with her there.

"Nonsense!" Felicity dismissed. (I could see Sky putting his hand on his face and shaking his head here) "I'll show you!"
She then hit Lucas with the frying pan.

"OW-" Lucas yelled out in pain, holding his arm.

Lily and Chrysalis grabbed Felicity to try and stop her from hitting him again, but Felicity headed for Lucas again...
...And Lucas made a run for it.

I looked at Sky, who was watching the scene. "Mr Amaya, aren't you going to do something?"

"Eh..." Sky shrugged his shoulders. "She'll learn..."

I heard another bang and Lucas crying out in pain.


A woman with brown hair and eyes wearing a zip-up jacket and jeans stood over Lucas and Felicity, glaring at them angrily.
She also was wearing nothing but the colour black...which was a bit gothic, really.

"Um-" Felicity opened her mouth to explain, but the woman cut her off.

"Shut up, shut up, shuttidy shut UP UP!" She yelled. "Get out. GET OUT ALR-"

"Prosecutor Bloom." Detective Stanhope approached us. "...Is Ghastly slacking off again?"

"O-Oh...Detective Stanhope.." Prosecutor Bloom rubbed her head. "Yes...yes he is. And I have to clean up after him...again."

"You're stressed...what did I tell you on the phone? Leave everything to me." The Detective assured.

For Detective Stanhope to reassure Prosecutor Bloom...I can gather a few things from that.

"Right. You lot, get onto the stage. I'll tell you everything once you're there." Stanhope shooed us off, but I turned around to see her still talking to Prosecutor Bloom...

...I wonder what they're talking about?
Bloom you need to take a chill pill before you get stabbed in the stomach.

I thought that it was a good idea to write this part when I was loosing my sanity from lack of Internet, so this part is a bit nyeeeh.

In the next part we will actually find out stuff about the murder, and meet a bunch of nerds.

Detective Stanhope is a reference to something, by the way.

But seriously what even is this part.

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