Turnabout Unmasked ~ 3 ~ Ghastly

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- March 20th, 9:55AM -
- District Court -
- Defendant Lobby no. 4 -

Here I was, waiting for Cotoli to show up. I didn't get any sleep last night - which was a first. Maybe I should use some of the budget to buy comfier beds...

"S-Sorry we're late-!" Cotoli said as he barged into the room, Chrysalis trailing behind him. "My alarm didn't go off, and Chrysalis really doesn't like getting up early on weekends..."

"It's fine. At least you're here, right?" I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "I don't know who'd I get to defend me..."

"Yeah, because you'd totally want someone other than your ex defending you~" Chrysalis said with a smirk, making Cotoli blush.

Before I could say anything to object, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw that weird bailiff, Uttar... something.

"I trust you're all well prepared, correct?" He smiled in that weird way of his. "I have a feeling the outcome of this trial will be veeeeerrrry interesting... I suggest you look forward to it."

"Well, that wasn't suspicious at all." Chrysalis rolled her eyes at his foreshadowing. "But he's right. The outside of this place was crowded, because everyone's thinking that The Black Raven will be exposed in this trial."

"W-We all know that it wasn't me, right...?" I asked everyone present. "I... would get too tired doing all those... weird things."

"Of course not, Ghastly." Cotoli said as he laughed at the notion. "But... it would explain as to why you're tired all of the time..."

"Y-You know this isn't the time for jokes-!" I nudged Cotoli's arm (any more and that would've put him into a hospital). "I'm not The Black Raven. Promise."

"He was just joking... I think." Chrysalis frowned, not entirely sure either.

"I'm sure you'll be able to debate it once you go inside..." Mistry said with glee, "... Just don't get hurt whilst doing it."

"Why... would we get hurt...?" Cotoli mumbled to himself before going inside. Unfortunately for him, Mistry's words would mean more to us later.


- March 20th, 10:00AM -
- District Court -
- Courtroom No. 2 -

"Court is now in session for the trial of... Ch-Chief Prosecutor Bespoke?!" The Judge stammered, somehow unaware of my situation. "Well... is the defence ready?"

"The defence is ready, your honour." Cotoli told him, smiling at me. I looked away to hide my blush.

Prosecutor Shield stood across from him, Niamh (the younger one) by his side. "The Prosecution is clearly more ready than the old man over here..." He grinned at his remark.

"Hey, let's not hang up on him..." Chrysalis said as she rolled her eyes. For Lily's brother, he sure was... cocky. "... Can you get on with your opening statement, or whatever?"

"... The crime took place two days ago," He began, "Two Interpol agents, Lacey Wilde and Tyler Grayson, were found dead in the Chief Prosecutor's office. Thanks to a certain card found at the scene... we're certain that this crime was committed by the infamous Black Raven. Whilst we intend to prove that the defendant is the Black Raven and committed the crime, we wish to prove the latter first. Here's the autopsy report for both of the victims."

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