Turnabout A Cappella ~ 6 ~ Ryan

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You see, even though I had agreed to have Niamh as my co-counsel of sorts, I didn't expect her to completely take over the trial like this...

Niamh was silent for a while, after announcing that she would reveal our 'mystery witness' (Which I had no idea what she was doing at this point).

"So, uh..." Sky, The defence's co-counsel spoke up. "...is this mystery witness ever going to show up...?"

"...No." Niamh stated, crossing her arms. "Guess I'll have to call my...secret witness."

"W-What are you-?" I whispered, shooting a glare.

"What?!" The defence attorney, Lily, pouted. "Then what was the point of the whole 'mystery witness' thing?"

"Cliffhangers are hard to pull off!" Niamh slammed her fist on the desk. "...Not that you would know anything about them."

"...Will the Prosecution please stop confusing the court and call it's witness now?" The Judge looked...just as confused as he usually was.

I sighed. "Will Mr Mill-Foys please come up to the witness stand?"

"Hey!" Niamh pouted beside me. "I was gonna do that!"

"Yes, but you're not the Prosecutor on this case, are you?" I muttered under my breath.

The witness, Jaden, walked up to the stand, flicking his hair sidewards.

"Will the witness please state his name and occupation for the court." I asked. Even though most people would've known this guy already, I doubt the Judge is that into music...

"Jaden Mill-Foys. A Cappella singer for The Musical Nodes..." I don't think he noticed it, but he glanced over at the defence bench for a moment there...

The crowd murmured, but the Judge soon called for order.
"The court will not add any other chatter when the witness is addressing their name and occupation!" He slammed his gavel down.

"Witness." I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the fact that Niamh was practically waving her arms in front of my face. "You saw a crucial moment about this murder, correct?"

Jaden smirked. "Sure did! And it will help catch Singa's killer, once and for all!"

I saw the defence attorney clench her fist. But then again, I suppose Niamh would do that if a witness was called not to be trusted...well, with her temper and all...

"Will the witness please testify as to what he...witnessed?" The Judge asked, slamming down his gavel.

Jaden nodded. "It would be a pleasure..."


-I was backstage, checking if all of the props were safe to use.

-Then, I saw it! A robed figure stabbing Singa in the arm!

-The robe was also a part of Alex's costume, and only he can access it, so it had to have been him!

-After that, the lights went out. So I couldn't see them anymore.

"...I don't know about you..." I saw Sky turn to Lily (Niamh's starting to get me into the habit of calling people by their first names...). "But there's a really, really obvious contradiction here...actually, I don't think that's enough 'really's' it's more like...

Really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really-"

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