Turnabout Elevation ~ 5 ~ Toby

26 1 1

- March 13th, 1:25PM -
- BadWolfTV Towers -

I handed the defence team the information as told, but decided to stick around with them for a while. It's not like I had anything important to do...I think.

I couldn't talk to Mukuro, since she was in the middle of one of her final exam things. I also couldn't wonder off, since I was kind of in charge of the crime scene. Do you see my problem here?

"This information can be trusted, correct?" Ms. Tenniswood quickly asked, looking up from the paperwork.

"It came from the precinct's files, which are hard to fake," I told her. "You aren't the only ones basing information on these files. Both sides currently have access to them."

Ms. Shield jumped up and down excitedly. "That's great! This means that we aren't getting tricked by false evidence or anything!"

"I-I wouldn't even dream of handing you false evidence!" I huffed, turning away from the two. "We can get fired for doing that...!"

"I'm sure Lily didn't mean to come off in that way," Ms. Tenniswood told me. "Isn't that right, Lily?"

"I'm sooooorry!" Ms. Shield whined. "I'll prevent myself from making such statements in the futureeeeee!"

Ms. Tenniswood glanced around the room before continuing. "Where are the two witnesses today? I was hoping that I could speak with them..."

"I believe Mr. Schmidt is resting at home, whereas Ms. Flyaway is due to be arriving soon." I told her.

"The most important witness is resting? Really...?" Ms. Shield whined (again).

"Detective, there's something I need to clarify with you..." Ms. Tenniswood turned to face me. "...there's no sign of an official murder weapon, correct?"

I frowned in response. If that doesn't get found soon, It'll be labelled as my fault. "You're right about that. We've searched this place twice, even, and we've still turned up nothing. The only conclusion is that the killer ran away with it."

"In that case, could you please request the forensics to do a further analysis on the victim's wound?" She asked of me. "That may help tracking it down."

"Good idea, Niamh!" Ms. Shield chorused. I was beginning to think that was all she did - say random things that usually ended up being positive. "Now all we need to do is present Angel with that evidence Detective Erikson brought us!"

"I don't think that's a good idea," I warned her, remembering other court experiences. "From what I've seen, I think it would be best to present it to her in court. That way, she has nowhere to run."

"Oh, so it's like a video game that takes place in a court!" Ms. Shield concluded upon a few milliseconds of thinking. "Although, that would be kinda weird. Can you imagine?"

I was slowly drowning out her chatter, focusing more on my surroundings. Ms. Tenniswood had managed to slip away during our conversation, only to be talking to a newly appeared Angel Flyaway.

I nudged Ms. Shield and pointed towards the two of them. "She's already moved on..."

We both approached the two, catching a glimpse of their conversation whilst standing there awkwardly.

Ace Attorney - Justice and TruthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon