Turnabout Argument ~ 2 ~ Felicity

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I dragged Luco into the courtroom, the defendant trailing behind us. Can't have Luco getting afraid, now!

The Judge with the long beard slammed his gavel down on the...whatever you call it. "Court is now in session for the trial of...oh. You know, I'm getting an odd sense of déjà vu here..."

Come to think of it, didn't Lil-bil say something like that when I told her who the defendant was for Luco's case? Huh. Must've been Coolio and Chrissy when they went to that A Cappella show or something...wait. That doesn't make any sense.

"Old man, I suggest you zip it before I have to intervene..."

The Prosecutor for this case, Prosecutor Shield or Murder or whatever floats your boat (although personally I prefer Murder...it sounds more...murder-y) was wearing nothing but a black outfit...well, apart from that red bandana...(ack! Stop it Felicity! You're getting distracted!) with sea blue eyes and dark brown hair.

You know what? I'm going to call him 'biker!' ...I need to think of something better later on...

"A-Ah-!" The Judge nearly leapt out of his seat. Biker's not that scary!
"P-Prosecutor um...Mur- Shields! How nice to se-"


Luco turned to me, smiling slightly. "The trial hasn't even started and they're already fighting, huh?"

I smirked. "I would call it more...argument then fight." I flicked my hair so it was drooping over my left eye. "But there's nothing that the ol' Amaya twins trick can't fix!"

Luco opened his mouth to say something, but then hesitated. "...please don't do anything that will harm our defence...I beg of you."

I cleared my throat, my stance changed into a more serious outlook. (actually, the way I have to change completely reminds me of that girl who was standing with the Prosecution in the A Cappel- w-wait! I'm getting off topic again!)
"Your Honour." I began, making my voice more stiffer like Sky had taught me.

"Oh...Ms Felicity Amaya...you're aiding the defence, are you?" The Judge seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"Never heard of you." Biker smirked and glared at me.

Frankly, I thought he was having a staring contest with me. So I stared back.

"Anyway..." Luco started. "What Ms Amaya here is trying to say...is can the Prosecution please stop making an embarrassment of the court and get on with the trial." He smirked.

"...You won't be smirking when we don't find the truth." Biker clenched his fists. Woah, Luco had made him mad! ...I think.

"Since it is clear that both defence and Prosecution are ready...would the Prosecution please give their opening statement." The Judge declared.

Biker sighed. "The crime took place yesterday, March 2nd, before a trial started. This trial is unrelated to this case. The victim, a Prosecutor known as Polly Bloom..."

"F-Felicity-!" Luco whispered to me. Woah, he called me by my first name! Progress!

"What is it, Luco?" I smiled in the You-can-tell-me-what's-on-your-Mind-way.

"You didn't tell me that the victim, was a friend of out clients-! I mentioned her to-"

"You worry too much!" I assured. "Just listen to the opening statement, 'Kay?"

Biker continued with his opening statement. "...Had an argument with what we believe to be the defendant, which ended up with herself getting stabbed in the stomach."

I flinched. I guess I still needed to get used to the gore in this stuff...

"Although the victim was found early enough to save her life. Thus..." Biker slammed the desk. "...The Prosecution intends to prove the defendant, Anton Burke, Guilty of attempted murder!"

I'm sure Luco will be fine...even though I may have held information from him...but it's not like he needs to know that the witness is Niamh Wood! He'll be fiiiiiine!

"Right...will the Prosecution please call their first witness?" The Judge asked, still being a bit cautious.

"Niamh Wood. The stand...if you would."

"Hey..." Luco started to whisper to me again. "Isn't that the person who was with the Prosecution in the A Cappella case?"

"Sure is!" I grinned. "Have fun cross-examining her!"

"Wait-" I could tell Luco wanted to protest, so I turned away.
...I think my scarf may have hit him too, since he kinda yelped out in pain...but oh well!

Sure enough, Niamh Wood hopped up to the witness stand. She was exactly like I remembered her from the trial before. Strawberry blonde hair down to the top part of her back, which falls over her left eye, blue eyes and purple glasses. Her attire consisted of a purple jacket that she had draped over her shoulders, a black and white checkered shirt, black jeans and purple sneakers.
Oh, and I also forgot to mention the silver locket she wears around her neck

Niamh (who I haven't given a nickname to yet...hm...) took one look at us and crossed he arms. "If I'm gonna get cross-examined by these people..." She pointed to me and Luco. "I better not get pressed for information or anything..."

I knew where she got that from. She was talking about the trial from that case (because I keep saying 'A Cappella' all the time and it's...oh...I just said it.). I changed my stance again to a serious outlook.
"Miss Wood...the people at United Lawyers stand for the truth. If you do not wish to be badgered or pressed for information or anything of that sort, I suggest you tell the truth."

"May we be the first one's to remind you that you are under oath." Luca- LUCO smirked.

I tend to forget about my nicknames when I have to be serious...even Sky knows that.

Niamh muttered something under her breath.

"The Prosecution asks the witness to testify about what they saw...and cut the idle chit-chat." Biker...threatened? It sure look like he did...
This is going to make up for the time that I can't update.

The 'A Cappella case' (which refers to the event that was going on at the time) will be the next turnabout, so you'll see what the characters mean by then.

This case (and the killer...who I don't even know how people will react when they're revealed) will be referenced in other cases as well, kinda like Ace Attorney Investigations.

Well that's pretty much it from me!

Niamh Wood owned by AceAttorneyFan

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