Turnabout Argument ~ 3 ~ Anton

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I knew what Ms Wood was going to testify about.
After all, she saw me when...
No...I've got to remain positive!
Polly's not dead, and that's a good thing!
I continued to watch the trial. They were just getting to the good part

- I was minding my own business when out of the blue, I hear shouts from the Prosecutor's lobby
- I was kind of involved with the Prosecution on that day, so I went to see what the problem was
- When I was halfway there, the shouting stopped, and I saw something black, like a cape, turn the corner
- I saw the cape enter the Prosecutor's lobby, so I rushed inside.
- In the Prosecution's lobby I saw the defendant, on his knees, looking at the victim, draped in a black cape

I saw Mr Red whispering furiously at Ms Amaya.
...I think he's mad that she didn't tell him about this testimony.

"How could you not tell me about this?! This almost destro-"

"Calm down, Luco! You'll be fine!"

"Will the defence stop wasting the court's time with their frantic whispering..." The Prosecutor, (Roberto...Shield? I think?) glanced at the witness.
I hate to admit it, but that Prosecutor scares me...

"Defence. Please start your cross-examination." The Judge declared.

- I was minding my own business when out of the blue, I hear shouts from the Prosecution's lobby

"Hold it!" Mr Red yelled.
I leapt back, the sudden shouting scaring me.
Honestly, how do they think I can kill someone when I'm scared by someone shouting?

"Witness...do you happen to remember what the voices said?" Mr Red asked.

"Uh...not really. They were kinda muffled, so..." Ms Wood shrugged her shoulders.

I saw Mr R-(...wait...Polly's not here...I can call people by their first names...!)
I saw Lucas frown. But I'm sure the Prosecution will present the tape recorder. It may only be able to play twice without erasing data, but I'm sure the Prosecutor wouldn't have played it already.

"...Witness." Prosecutor Shield was glancing downwards. "Continue with your testimony."

Now it was my turn to frown. Had he already played the tape?

- In the Prosecution's lobby I saw the defendant, on his knees, looking at the victim, draped in a black cape

"Hold it!" Lucas yelled again. "Did you get a good look at the victim?"

Niamh froze up and her smile faded. "N-No...no I...didn't..."

"Ms Wood." Felicity caught on, and possibly forgot she wasn't the lead defence. "Did you see something at the crime scene, that, perhaps, reminded you of something?"

I saw Niamh twitch, and I knew that Felicity had caught a nerve.
But otherwise, she was silent.

Lucas gripped the desk, ready to see what Niamh was hiding.

But Felicity shook her head and muttered something that I couldn't hear.

Although I did see Niamh putting her hand on her left eye...

Prosecutor Shield slammed the desk, making the entire courtroom jump. "Defence! Press the witness on a point not worth noting again and-"

"Prosecutor Shield." Lucas was...grinning? "I could say the same to you. You should know better than to hide evidence from this court."

I gasped. Felicity must've told him about the tape!

There were a few murmurs in the crowd. I could see the Prosecutor glaring...

"You don't even have the foggiest idea on what you're talking about...boy"


"I think I do." Lucas crossed his arms. "A tape recorder and a security camera...where are they?"

Prosecutor Shield looked like he was in deep thought. But then he finally answered.
"They were...stolen from us...not to worry, I'll make sure the bumbling idiots at the police department will pay."

I looked at Niamh, who was still trembling. Whatever could be the matter with her? She just came in on me touching the knife to see if it was real...
(Which was then I stupidly got my fingerprints on it. Gold star, Anton. Gold star)

"And why were they stolen? I believe I have an answer." Lucas can sure be confident at times... "The defence believes that these pieces of evidence were stolen because they both had crucial evidence pointing to the real killer!"

"T-T-The-" Prosecutor Shield started to sweat and become more tense. I guess he's shocked that he worked it out so quickly.

Niamh actually said something. Woah.
(...Actually that was a bit mean...)

"KILLEEEEEER-?!" The Judge yelled out.

"W-Who is it-?!" Prosecutor Shield demanded. He was practically leaning on the desk for support.

"Based on what we've seen so far..." Lucas looked around the courtroom. "In order to steal evidence, the killer would've needed to be in the police department. Say, a detective or a Prosecutor. The killer al-"

"OOOOHHH I REMEMBER NOW!" Niamh's voice interrupted Lucas' deductive reasoning.

"Remember what, witness?" The Judge asked.

I remember what some of the voices were saying!" She declared.

"Tell us, Please!" Lucas had a sparkle in his eyes.

Niamh started to tell us what she remembered.

"This isn't good enough! I can't have you skipping things as you please, just because of some stupid reason or another!"

"It's not stupid! And since where you in charge, hm?
"Just because you're all buddy-buddy with the chief Prosecutor doesn't mean you can order us lot around, you know!"

"E-Excuse me?!"

"Yeah that's right. I said it. And I intend to stand by that statement."

"You say that, but really, you're just a coward. Hell, you couldn't even stab someone if you tried!"

"Oh really?
Wanna bet?"

"Go on then! Stab me!"

"And that's when the voices stopped!" Niamh declared. "Pretty cool I remembered all of that, huh? I mean, it was more like a man's voice then a boy's..."

The court was speechless.

"...Although we may not know who out mystery killer is..." The Judge started. "We can be certain of one thing...the defendant...is innocent."

I smiled.
About time!
I'll have to thank Niamh later...

Felicity clapped her hands and Lucas fist-pumped.

Prosecutor Shield seemed relieved.

"I now pronounce the defendant....


March 3rd
District Court - Defendant Lobby no 5

I ran up to Ghastly and hugged him. I don't have to spend any more time in that detention centre anymore!

Ghastly patted my head and said that we could go see Polly after this.

"Well done Luco!" I heard Felicity and Lucas behind me. "So! Did you like that? Was it fun?"

"Ms Amaya...your way if thinking is clearly different to mine." Lucas chuckled.

I walked up to the both of them and thanked them, and then we parted ways.
I accidentally got carried away with typing stuff up again
But then again, I guess I can't leave you guys' un-updated for five days



I really don't want to leave everyone on a cliffhanger for five days, do I...

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