Turnabout Unmasked ~ 12 ~ Polly

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"There's no way it could've been an accident!" Ghastly roared, continuing the argument. "He better explain himself immediately...!"

"It was an accident..." Prosecutor Shield turned away, as if embarrassed. "... I'm prepared to take the blame for it. Prosecutor Bloom just didn't want me getting into trouble over it, so she said that she wouldn't tell anyone."

"Ghastly, it was my decision." I told him. "Please respect that... look, Sora, you understand, don't you?"

Sora nodded. "Yeah, she's right, Ghastly. You need to calm down. It's just Mr. Amaya trying to get to us."

"... Alright, I'll back down for now." I let out a sigh as Ghastly sat back down. "I'm blaming this all on you, Amaya-!"

"Whaaaaat? I was the one that helped Prosecutor Shield in the first place!" Sky said with a pout. "I mean, sure... I did take him as my little puppet in exchange for not telling anyone..."

"R-Robbie-?!" Lily turned to her brother from across the tables. "Why didn't you tell me? We could've helped you-!"

"I... don't think you understand the meaning of blackmail." Prosecutor Shield sighed, "L-Look... it wasn't that bad. I promise."

"My colleague was concerned that you would ruin everything, which resulted in your current state." Sky shrugged his shoulders, "My apologies... he's very anxious about all of this."

"I kinda worked that out..." Prosecutor Shield looked down at his wheelchair. "... I suppose you could've used a worse poison."

"You said you have other colleagues," Ms. Tenniswood noted, "Who are they? They must've helped you out."

"I'm not going to tell you who they are!" Sky said with a pout. "I won't ruin that for them!"

"Then you'll reveal it in questioning." Ghastly responded. "You know we won't let you get away with this!"

"What, did you go against what I asked?" Sky tilted his head. "Ah, wait... that would be just like you."

"If you tell us about your colleagues, we'll give you a lighter sentence." Ghastly glared at him as he spoke. "We've heard that they helped you out just yesterday. There's three of them, correct?"

"Hmm... I guess I could tell you a little bit about them," Sky put his hand on his chin in thought. "Listen up! I'm only going to say this once!"

Chrysalis glanced towards her sister and Ghastly. "He's buying time..." She whispered to Cotoli.

"The first is a man named Jester." He began, "He's mysterious, even to me. He's kept his identity hidden from everyone... I'm not even sure he knows who he is anymore... he's hidden behind countless faces. I personally would've called him something to do with that, but he went with Jester. Oh, well."

"Sounds... interesting...?" Sora chuckled nervously, glancing at her watch.

"Next, Trixie. For some reason she chose a random name to be her thing." Sky shrugged his shoulders. "That's not her real name, but I'm sure that she knows it. She's not as far gone as Jester is. She's crazy - sometimes she won't even listen to me. I get the feeling that she's trying to be independent."

"He really doesn't know much about these people." Prosecutor Cruz chuckled to himself.

"Finally... Lady Papillon." Sky sighed, as if he was getting tired. "She's the best fighter we have. I heard she got it from Interpol, which makes sense, I guess... she was pretty upset about Ms. Wilde's death. I had no choice in killing her, though..."

"H-Had no choice?" Felicity gasped, remembering the events from earlier. "Sky... of course you had a choice...!"

"No, I don't, Felicity." Sky looked at his sister, tears in his eyes. "I-I really don't have a choice... I-"

"Hold it right there, Sky Amaya!"

We all turned around to see a lady with lavender hair, holding a gun. "I have a warrant for your arrest."

"Ah, it's D-!" Chrysalis gasped, leading to weird looks from everyone on how she knew that information. "She's from Interpol... it's totally not weird for me to know her."

Sky turned to run, but D fired a warning shot in front of him. He clenched his fist as D placed handcuffs around his wrists.

"I was going to come anyway, even if your Prosecutor friends wouldn't allow it." D said as she led Sky towards the entrance. "This arrest was far too important to let slip."

"You'll let us visit him, won't you...?" Felicity asked the agent.

"Once everything is sorted, yes." D looked at us one last time, holding back a smile. "Um... thank you for contacting us about this. We appreciate it."

I let out a sigh of relief. It was finally over. Everyone looked at each other with smiles, glad that the tense atmosphere was gone.

If only I could say that it was all over...

- A short while later -
- My Alibi restaurant -

"Do you see why I couldn't have you around, dear Monika?" Jack patted his daughter's head. "They would grow suspicious if you were around."

"Aww, but I missed everything!" Monika pouted. "Papa, pick me up. Now."

Jack picked his daughter up, almost robotically. "What is our plan of action now, my sweet?"

"Mm... we need Sky back..." Muttered Monika, sleepily. "... You guys know what to do to make it happen."

"I'll get him for you." Lucy stepped forward. "Dixie can help me. Then we can continue with phase 2."

"Ooh, I love phase 2!" Dixie chanted, "Miss Monika's plan is sooo lovely! She makes sure we're all included!"

"Papa will keep me safe whilst you two do that!" Monika said gleefully. "Make sure to do a good job. You don't wanna make me angry..."

"Nobody would dare upset you, little Monika!" Jack smiled at his daughter. "You're far too cute!"

Monika sunk her head into her father's arms, grinning. "Yep... I'm the best..."


epilogue time babie !!

- hatty

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