Turnabout Unmasked ~ 8 ~ Sora

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As soon as the court was forcibly adjourned, I rushed down to comfort Niamh. The poor thing had just seen someone get poisoned, right in front of her-!

"Hey, Niamh... it'll be okay..." Chrysalis smiled at her. "... Mistry said he'll get back to us about what exactly happened."

"The trial has to continue somehow, though..." Ghastly said, looking at the shackles on his wrists. "... The Raven must be trying to put a stop to it because he knows we're getting close to revealing his identity."

"But we need a new Prosecutor, first-!" Cotoli chuckled nervously, "Wait, maybe that's what they were aiming for..."

"You say that as if there isn't a Prosecutor standing in front of you!" I winked at him. Even if I had only just been transferred, that didn't mean I couldn't handle a trial!

"Sora, are you sure?" Ghastly looked at me with worry. He knew that it would be my first case since my transfer, and he wanted to be with me when that happened. Which he... really can't, since he was the defendant.

"We can't just leave Niamh to do it all!" I huffed, "Especially with a case like this... just trust me. I'll be able to handle it."

"So it's siblings against sibling, huh?" Chrysalis giggled. With three out of the four of us here, she was right. But I knew we were struggling to find the fourth sibling, even with all three of us working on the case.

"I wouldn't be so jolly, with the state Prosecutor Shield is in." A voice came from behind us. I recognised it as Mistry, one of the bailiffs.

"Oh, my apologies... was that too depressing?" He chuckled, "I was merely referring to how upset his sister was over it... but it looks like he'll be okay, eventually."

"You mean he'll live?!" Niamh gasped in relief. "But I... I thought he...!"

"He lives, my chums." Mistry smiled at us. "It appears we were able to get him help in the nick of time... almost too perfect, isn't it?"

"So the trial will continue...?" Cotoli asked him, clearly nervous. But then again, he is nervous most of the time...

"Of course! Half of the gallery have been scared off, so it looks like they'll miss the main event..." he said, sighing, "... Ah, well. At least the main cast is all here~"

"Right... Niamh, you'll have to help me for a bit whilst I get my bearings." I told her, "Even if I was watching it, I'll still have to take some time to look over all of the evidence."

"I'll help as much as I can!" Niamh put on a brave smile and shoved some papers into my hands. We only had some time to go over them, but I knew we could do it!


- March 21st, 11:24PM -
- District Court -
- Courtroom no. 2 -

"Court is... again, back in session for the trial of Ghastly Bespoke." The Judge sighed, clearly overwhelmed. "Prosecutor Lin is taking over for the remaining section of the trial."

"I think we should continue where Prosecutor Shield left off." I told the court. "Mr. Amaya or Prosecutor Cruz... we should ask them to testify on what they were doing that day."

"Um... Prosecutor Cruz is away right now... visiting his sister, I think." Niamh chuckled nervously, "Maybe we could ask Mr. Amaya to go first, since he's in the gallery...?"

"Aw, jeez... we have to cross-examine our boss?" Chrysalis sighed aggressively. "This is gonna be sooooo awkward...!"

"Mr. Amaya, please escort yourself to the witness stand." The Judge peered around, searching for the one guy with red hair. It took longer than it should've.

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