The Despairing Turnabout ~ 6 ~ Lily

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- March 8th, 2:13PM -
- United Lawyers -

As soon as I had made extra sure that Sky was okay, I dashed towards the crime scene to find Cotoli. Even if I wasn't the lead defence attorney on the case, I could still help him out! (At least, that's what I hoped)

I eventually found him poking around inside, probably looking for any evidence that might've not been found yet.

I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Heya, Cotoli! I'm gonna help you out with the investigation, okay?"

Cotoli simply nodded and continued searching. He didn't even turn around!

"Um, whatcha looking for?" I asked him, hoping to get some sort of a better response.

"I'm looking for a piece of glass." He began, pausing to explain. "If I can find even a fragment of it, it could help us prove Chrysalis innocent..."

"Sounds like a plan!" I beamed. Someone has to be happy during this investigation!

"Mr. Morix!"

A call came from the other room, which made the two of us jump in surprise.

Detective Stanhope peeked her head around the doorway. She gasped slightly upon seeing myself, possibly because she didn't notice that I was here in the first place.

Cotoli stood up and walked towards the doorway. "Did you find something, Detective Stanhope?"

"I may have found what you were looking for, love." She held up a tiny shard of glass. "It's so small - the forensics must've missed it."

Cotoli looked at the piece of glass and grinned. "Yes! Have you checked it for fingerprints yet?" He asked her.

"Not yet. But I'll have the results back to you by tomorrow." Detective Stanhope declared. "We may also find out where this shard came from..."

"That's great!" I smiled. "See, Cotoli? We're one step closer to freeing Chrysalis!"

Cotoli nodded and smiled also. "Thanks..."

"How about we go and see that Prosecutor and cinnamon bun?" I suggested. "Maybe there's a new witness or something..."

"Chrysalis says 'cinnamon bun' too. Is that an inside joke or something?" Cotoli tilted my head at me in confusion.

I giggled in response.

-March 8th, 2:46PM-
-United Lawyers, Outside Area-

Once we stepped outside, we both noticed that Prosecutor Bloom and uno cinnamon bun were talking to somebody. I say 'somebody' because I'd never seen them before.

It was a he, and they had short, black hair and grey eyes (my stalker vision had activated by now). They wore what seemed to be part of a school uniform, but they had slung their blazer over their shoulder and had unbuttoned their shirt slightly - in addition to rolling up their sleeves.

He seemed like a rebel type, if you asked me.

"So just to be absolutely sure, that's what you saw?"

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