Turnabout Unmasked ~ 6 ~ Felicity

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- March 20th, 12:19PM -
- Prosecutor's Office -

"Why did you make us stay in that stupid place for sooooo long, Sky?" I elbowed my brother in annoyance. "The police finished questioning us in two hours, and yet-"

"We were witnesses, Felicity." He snapped, "We've seen what's happened to witnesses sometimes... especially with the Raven being behind this. He would... he could harm us. You never know."

"Geez, you're so serious all of the time." I sighed at his frown. "Couldn't you lighten it up? We haven't seen our friends in, like... a day. That's bad."

"If the Raven is the cause of this incident, then they're more likely to be hanging around nearby, admiring their work." Sky looked away, avoiding my eyes. "It's always happened when we've taken a case. This time will be no different."

"That's no excuse to not see them!" I huffed, "Come on, we're bound to run into them sooner or later... we have to at least give them some advantage in court..."

Ahead, I saw Chrissy and Coolio chatting with Woody. I tugged Sky along before he could protest.

"Oh, hey, you two-!" Chrissy seemed shocked to see us, I didn't blame her. "I wondered where you guys were. You didn't get called up yesterday, did you?"

"I don't understand why they need us to be there, anyway." Sky seemed to get more annoyed by the second. "We didn't even see anything... we were just in the building for a bit."

"He's annoyed because he missed a very important event!" I giggled as Sky shot me a glare. "It was a date with L-"

Sky grabbed my mouth to stop me from talking. It didn't matter, as I'd let everyone know that he was going on a date with Lily eventually!

"It was fairly obvious... you two were off at the same time..." Coolio murmured to himself.

"How's your case going, anyway?" I asked them. "Is Woody on your side now...?"

Woody looked at me in confusion. "W... Woody...? Is that... my name now...?"

"She always does this. You'll get used to it!" Chrysalis giggled at her reaction. They're totally dating or something! "Anyways... we're hoping Interpol pulls through on their end of the case with Stevie. If Q was right, we might be able to see who the Raven is!"

"Y-You will? From that little... robot thing?" Sky said, more surprised than me. "But why is it taking so long?"

"According to Q, only one person can access Stevie's memory storage." Coolio told us. "It'll be even harder to do so since Stevie was charging... the picture may be a little fuzzy, but it'll help to identify the Raven."

"We've done some research on our end, too. About the Raven, I mean..." Chrissy bit her lip nervously. "... Just in case the video wasn't enough. We've learnt a lot!"

"What have you learnt?!" I jumped up and down excitedly. "Ooh, tell me you know who it is!"

"W-We only have suspicions at most-!" Coolio laughed nervously. "But it has helped us narrow down the culprit. A lot."

"Turns out the Raven has a rare condition." Chrissy told us. "If we end up with any suspects... well..."

"Where the hell did you find that sort of information from?" Sky looked amazed. "Even the police struggled to learn a thing or two about the Raven-!"

"It was soooo cool! Prosecutor Lin channeled one of the victims!" Woody said giddily. "O-Oh, but... she's resting now... she wants to be in tip-top shape for da- Chief Prosecutor Bespoke's trial."

Sky's face went slightly pale. "I... I do hope she's okay... I've heard many things about channeling that's gone wrong."

"Our sister is strong." Chrissy assured him, "Don't worry about her... besides, Niamh is staying to look after her."

"We better go and check up on Ghastly. He'd want to hear about our investigation..." Coolio's eyes drifted away, as if remembering something else.

"Hey, let us come, too!" I yelled as I grabbed Sky's arm. "We didn't even finish our talk with the Chief Prosecutor!"

"You can go, Felicity. I need to..." Sky looked away and blushed, "... check on Lily..."

"Awww!! That's so cute!" Chrissy squealed, "Sky's got a girlfriend!! And he's going to see her!"

"Y-You don't have to yell it-!" Sky blushed even more. "Just... just leave me be...!"


- March 20th, 2:46PM -
- Detention Centre -

Coolio practically ran towards the glass as he greeted the Chief Prosecutor. Both of them seemed just as happy to see the other.

"Sora helped us so much, Ghastly-!" Coolio said excitedly, "She helped us narrow down who the Raven is!"

"She really is amazing, isn't she?" Chief Prosecutor Bespoke sighed peacefully. "I hope she's okay, though... Polly left her with all of our paperwork."

"Niamh is looking after her whilst we're here." Chrysalis told him. "She wanted to be up and ready for your trial~"

"W-Wait, she said that?" Chief Prosecutor Bespoke blushed (only a bit!). "She really is pushing herself lately..."

"I'm sure she just wants to be a good Prosecutor!" I piped in, having just awkwardly stood their until now. "It's soooo sweet~"

"R... Right... is everything going to be okay tomorrow, though?" Chief Prosecutor Bespoke asked us. "Interpol hasn't even bothered to send me an update."

"You would've thought that they would tell... someone..." Chrissy murmured, "... What was it, X? I suppose he'll have something to say tomorrow about Stevie."

"He's supposed to be slightly more tolerable than Q, I hear." Chief Prosecutor Bespoke chucked, "Maybe he'll be slightly easier to get information from."

"It's okay! Coolio will handle it!" I giggled, "He's a great lawyer! I mean... he's helped other people before!"

"Th... Thanks, Felicity..." Coolio looked away. "... But Ghastly, you can trust me. I'll prove that you're innocent and... and the identity of the Black Raven."


short update but I needed to round things off before the trial lmao
- hatty

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