Turnabout Unmasked ~ 9 ~ Cotoli

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I clenched my fists, feelings of anger and disappointment welling within me. I hated that I had to question my own boss about his alibi, but... I'd be betraying Ghastly if I didn't.

"Do you... know about a condition called Synesthesia, Sky?" I asked him, barely managing to get my words out. I'm 99% sure my voice squeaked, too.

"I've heard of it, sure." He seemed confused, tilting his head at us. "But... what's this about?"

"Do... do you have... it, Sky?" Chrysalis muttered next to me. She was in just as much pain as I was.

"You can't just ask about his medical records-!" Sora interjected, reminding us of the place we were in. "You guys do have a good reason for bringing this up, don't you?"

"I'm afraid Prosecutor Lin is correct." The Judge agreed, "Unless you have a good reason... I'm afraid I cannot let you ask that question."

"W-We believe that the culprit has it-!" Chrysalis slammed the desk desperately, "It's very rare... but the two victims doing their research... they discovered that The Black Raven was taking part in a synesthesia support group. I hate to say it, but Sky would've been able to get away with murder in the time that he had. If he has synesthesia... it's too many coincidences. We can't just dismiss them."

"Well, I don't have... whatever the hell that is." Sky said sternly. "How did you access that information, anyway...?"

Just as I was about to turn to Chrysalis, I heard a grunt near the gallery. I looked over immediately, and so did Chrysalis.

Mistry was on the floor, his gun missing from his holder. Instead, another person was holding it, pointing directly at Sky.

"This... this is for your own good!" Yelled Felicity as she cocked the gun, firing it at him.

Sky let out a mighty scream. He held his head in his hands, crouching down on the witness stand.

Yet... I looked at where the bullet would've hit, only to find that it had completely missed him, instead hitting the ground.

Mistry held Felicity down, discarding the gun. Tears were streaming down her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

I focused back onto Sky, whom was now standing back up again. Chrysalis was just as confused as I was - why did he scream if the bullet did not hit him?

"Felicity..." He began, lowering his face. "... You really are terrible at firing a gun. Even when it comes down to it... you can't hit me. I got my hopes, up, too..."

"What the hell just happened?!" Sora was covering Niamh's ears, refusing to let go. "Ms. Amaya... what you've just done...!"

"Sky was lying!" Felicity yelled out, surprising Mistry. "He was lying... he has misophonia, a type of synesthesia!"

My face ran pale. Chrysalis secretly held my hand; I squeezed it back. "Miso... phonia...?"

Felicity nodded. "Certain sounds cause him to... trigger negative experiences through emotion, thoughts... i-it's complicated, but..."

"... But you had to expose me, right?" Sky laughed, "Geez, my own big sister... I thought you were supposed to be protecting me."

"They said you could be The Black Raven, Sky!" She screamed at him in response. "T-Tell... tell me the truth-! You've been going missing for hours without telling me what you've been doing, hanging out with people you've never been with before... just what have you done?!"

"They only have two coincidences to go from." Sky turned to us with a hateful glare, "What other evidence do you have? Surely you can't base the entire case on just that..."

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