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Felicity Amaya
"I'm a little sad about Sky and everything, but... Coolio has really been picking up the pace as manager! He looks like he's been doing this whole manager gig for four years now! I'll have to tell Sky about it when I get to see him. He's been acting normal ever since he was thrown in there. It's almost as if that whole Black Raven thing never happened at all. I still have some unanswered questions, sure... but I know that one day he'll tell me everything. One day."

Ghastly Bespoke
"Chrysalis found out that I harboured certain... feelings... towards another one of her siblings and spread it about. I know I should've been expecting this from when I dated Cotoli, but Sora and I were trying to keep it a secret, since I'm sort of her boss... Polly doesn't approve, of course. She also doesn't approve of our liking to little Niamh, either. Apparently wanting to adopt a 'problem child' isn't a good thing. But Niamh's not a problem child-! Even if we only just met Nevada the other day..."

Polly Bloom
"I'm so glad I kept Anton at home during all of that-! I mean, he couldn't get out of bed, anyway. But that's not the point. He's at least happy that he had a father figure... oh, uh, didn't I mention? Cotoli asked me on a date a little while ago. Anton pushed me to do it, so I guess we're a thing...? Even if we haven't spoken about it since. It would explain why he gets awfully embarrassed around me, though... maybe Chrysalis would know about it... a-anyway-! Anton begged me to have the same last name as him, so I've been thinking about that, too... geez, there's so much on my mind!"

Anton Burke
"P-Polly said... ah, no... Mommy said that she w-would think about changing her s-surname to match mine... I-I promised to call her M-Mommy, too! I've always w-wanted us to be a proper family, and it's finally coming true! I-I even have a new D-Daddy now! Niamh s-said that James is coming to town, too... h-he's an actor on my favourite show... hehe... I r-really wanna meet my hero! I watch his show every day! You'll love him, too - just you wait!"

Alex Daniels
"Our group is riding up to new heights now! Everyone loved the merger, even if it meant we had to say goodbye to a few people. We're performing at a new place in a couple of months... I wanna invite everyone at United Lawyers to watch us, reborn! Bubblegum Pop will be the best group in the world... I swear it."

Vito Cruz
"Prosecutor Lin keeps saying that I should get to know some of those lawyers more... I don't see the point. I only want to know one of them... u-um, forget I said that-! She probably wouldn't want to get to know me, anyway. Even if I did save her from all of that rubble before. Maybe I'll just ask Prosecutor Lin for a little advice instead. She seems to be pretty good at that stuff - I hear her giving romance advice all the time at the office. It's a little concerning, actually."

Toby Erikson
"Mukuro is finally coming back home! I'm so happy! She said that she'd want to join me on the next case as soon as possible! I know Vera is excited, too... I heard Mukuro is interested in her. I don't know what that means... I think she has the wrong idea about all of this. We've only had contact through phone calls, so I haven't had the chance to show her what she looks like yet. I heard Vera is getting a little assistant, too. It'll be great to introduce the two... oh, unless it's a boy. I can't have Mukuro getting close to any boys-! It'll ruin me!"

Elliot Heath
"Boss lady said I could stay on if I want to... I know I don't want to be without a job. I can't exactly look for another one - you can only get one job, after all. I don't exactly get where the boss man went, though. Everybody keeps trying to explain to me what happened, yet I still don't get it. Apparently he turned into a Raven? I didn't know people could do that! I wonder if my dog could do the same? I'd love to have a pet Raven!"

Julia Kirigiri (D)
"I had to take a brief break from finding Moonlight to handle the Black Raven case. It was worth it though... Q was very impressed with my efforts. M is letting me see the case through to the trial, which doubles my workload... but I don't mind. It's satisfying to see a case come to a close like this. However, I intend to investigate the other group that Sky Amaya mentioned. I'm afraid that Moonlight will take priority, but... part of me is excited. It's not everyday that I get such exciting cases, after all."

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