Turnabout A Cappella ~ 1 ~ Lily

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"Hello America and welcome to this year's A Cappella championships. I'm joined here today by my good friend John."

"And I'm joined here today with Gail. The person who was speaking to you just now."

"Thank you John, for your...introduction."

"Well anyway, today is the final battle between two bitter rivals, Bubblegum Pop and The Musical Nodes. And coming up first we have Bubblegum pop!"

"♪...Your corpse fell from my heart right above me, we all-♪"



"...Well we're back to recording, and it seems like an unfortunate incident has happened on-stage...John?"

"Well, quite frankly Gail, how about we go over to the victim and ask them 'How's it hanging?'"

"Oh, did you hear what they said when they were about to die? I recall them saying 'Hey! Don't leave me hanging!'"

"We are too funny for our own good, Gail."

"Yes we are John, yes we are."

March 1st
United Lawyers law offices - Outside Area

A girl with long curly brown hair and dark sea blue eyes with a red dress and a huge bow around her waist ran towards United Lawyers law offices.
And that girl was yours truly...
...Lily Shield!

(Ack! I'm late! I knew I shouldn't have stayed up watching the A Cappella championships last night!
But still...there was a murder during Bubblegum Pop's performance! I still can't believe that...!
But I heard Robbie is going to be the Prosecutor! ...Even though he doesn't want to be...)

I burst into the doors of the law office to find that the lights had been dimmed out.
It was pitch black in there.
"Hello?" I called out to no one in particular. "Is anybody here?"

Suddenly, the lights switched back on and a purple haired girl as well as a red haired boy were throwing confetti at me.

"♪Welcome...♪" The girl began to sing.
Oh yeah! I totally forgot that the two people hiring me were former members of Bubblegum Pop!

The boy joined in with the singing. "♪To United Lawyers!♪"

"I am Felicity Amaya." The girl announced.

"And I'm Sky Amaya." The boy continued. "And these are your co-workers..."
Sky pointed behind him and I noticed that three other people were standing in the room.
They were watching me the whole time?!
I didn't realise!
You could've just gone and embarrassed yourself, Lily!

I decided to go and introduce myself first.
"Hello!" I gave a small wave. "I'm Lily Shield, and my Shield of Justice is ready to protect!"

I got a few smiles here and there, but then a boy in a red tunic stepped forward.

"My name is Lucas Red, and I'm only working part time here..." He shrugged. "I've got another office to take care of, after all."

I gasped, but nobody heard me.
But still...ANOTHER office?!

The next person to introduce themselves had black hair, with blue tips of colour at the end, and I noticed that the undermost later was white. (...he probably dyed it). He had blue eyes and wore a blue hoodie with jeans.

"Name's Cotoli Morix." He pointed to a girl behind him. "And this is my sister."

A girl with a honey blonde braid and blue eyes with bronze glasses on took a step forward. She wore a white shirt with a the dye pattern in light blue, mint green and turquoise, with a gray cardigan and jeans.
She also had a magatama around her neck...
"I'm Chrysalis Starr...I may be a student, but I'll help in any way I can..."

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