Turnabout Elevation ~ 7 ~ Sky

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Lily glared angrily towards Ms. Flyaway, something (as Felicity has learned) that'll end in flames. Trust me. I had to clean up her mess, and it wasn't pretty.

"Hey, how come the defence gets to go on their phones but not me...?" Ms. Wood murmured to herself, clearly not pleased.

"That's because the defence has evidence that Mr. Schmidt is... uh, not what he seems!" Lily pointed towards the man in question. "My partner, Niamh Tenniswood, has done some research regarding a certain habit he seems to do!"

The Judge's eyes went wide as he looked towards Mr. Schmidt in confusion. "What do you mean, defe-"

"Yes, what did Tenniswood tell you?!" Prosecutor Cruz yelled, interrupting the judge. "Did she manage to find something in that pile of books?"

"Niamh discovered that Mr. Schmidt's habit of... um, hand clenching is actually a symptom of a type of hypnotism," I told the court. "In other words, he currently isn't in control of his actions. Somebody else is using him to cover for their crime!"

Chatter ensued. Ms. Wood kept glancing between our client (whom had decided to doze off) and Ms. Flyaway in deep thought. "Uh, this just might be an appearance thing, but... Mr. Heath doesn't look like he could even tie his own shoelaces, let alone hypnotise someone."

"Which is why I would like to draw the court's attention to Ms. Flyaway, the most suspicious person in this case... who still has their free will, of course," Lily grinned cheekily. "Also, last time I checked, someone of your degree could pretty much find the same books Niamh used to find out about this type of hypnotism. I bet you used your 'sessions' to do that to Mr. Schmidt, didn't you?"

Ms. Flyaway opened her parasol in shock, unable to utter a word.

"No answer, huh? Figures..." I shrugged my shoulders, eager to find out what was really going on here. "... You did try to get rid of someone from the defence team when you thought that they were catching up to you too quickly. A hospital treatment that she'll probably get you to pay for, by the way."

"That's what you think-!" Ms. Flyaway suddenly blurted out. "But I have a certain someone helping me get out of this! All I had to do was commit a sloppy murder to invite you lot in!"

"Well, she's not wrong about it being sloppy..." Prosecutor Cruz murmured to himself whilst flipping his coin.

"S-So... you admit it?" Ms. Wood stammered in the corner. "Lemme guess - you were mad about how the competition ended, so you decided to... uh..."

"Exactly!" Ms. Flyaway chuckled to herself before waving her parasol around. "All I had to do was give her head a good whack, and then get Klaus or Elliot to take the blame for me!"

Lily looked slightly worried, making me worry. "And why are you admitting all of this? You can't get away with murder that easily-!"

"Oh, but I can!" She continued. "The Black Raven said that he'll help me!"

The crowd burst into excitement - as of now, The Black Raven had remained a mystery. Nobody knew what they looked like or who they were. They'd never appeared publicly, opting to remain in the shadows.

"Wait-!" Prosecutor Cruz suddenly slammed the desk. "You've... met The Black Raven?!"

Ms. Flyaway nodded. "Duh! I know aaaall about him! In fact, I'd be willing to part with some information about him if you let me go free..."

Lily's faced turned pale as she looked at me. "Th-The... Black Raven is a male...?"

"Is there something wrong with that?" I asked her. "We can narrow down who he is now. It would help the police a lot, you know."

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