Turnabout Elevation ~ 3 ~ Sky

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- March 13th, 9:58AM -
- District Court -
- Defendant Lobby no 2 -

I made sure to set an alarm for today. I couldn't miss seeing Lily in a trial, after all! Well, and there was that new lawyer...but Lily's more important right now!

For once, it was me dragging Felicity to the courtroom instead of her dragging me. Which never happens.

When we both got there, Lily and the new lawyer were both talking to the defendant. Lily had told me that he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box, which is partly another reason as to why I came early.

The defendant was already talking to Lily and Ms. Tenniswood when we got in there. "I'm just saying, an aquarium is just a submarine for fish." He said, making exaggerated gestures. "It makes sense!"

"I'll be surprised if we actually pull this off." Ms. Tenniswood commented. "Although Mr. Heath's innocence is obvious, I just hope we can convince the Judge that he's...you know..."

"There's no use getting all scared!" Lily smiled, her face brightening up the room. "Besides, we've gotten out of situations like this before. This time is nothing different."

Felicity punched me in the arm, then pointed to Lily. She made a heart symbol with her hands, making me blush.

"Oh! Sky!" Lily had (finally) spotted me. "Did you come to watch the trial?"

I nodded, slightly observing how she was half an inch taller than me. "Yeah, we also need to see how Ms. Tenniswood turns out in this trial."

"No pressure, then." Tenniswood chuckled. "I'm sure I'll be fine. You don't need to worry."

"Defence! Defendant! Please proceed into the courtroom."

"Well, that's our call!" Lily waved before heading into the courtroom. "We'll see you in there, okay?"


- March 13th, 10:01AM -
- District Court -
- Courtroom no 4 -

"Court is now in session for the trial of Elliot Heath. Is the defence ready?"

"The defence is ready, Your Honour." Tenniswood glanced towards Lily and smiled.

The Prosecutor - who was called Vito Cruz (I think) - flipped a coin he held in his hand. "The Prosecution is ready, before you ask."

"Oh! And who might you be?" The Judge asked the newcomer. "I don't think I've seen you around here before."

"You're a perceptive one." Commented Prosecutor Cruz. "Nice to freakin' meet ya."

Niamh (the younger one), who was standing next to the Prosecutor, looked absolutely terrified. "U-Um, newcomers aside, can we please continue with the trial now? The words on the right hand of the screen have reached past 420-"

"I'll just say my statement now, to save time." Prosecutor Cruz continued flipping the coin in his hand. "The victim was found in an elevator. The defendant was the first to find the body. We believe that the defendant killed the victim out of anger at the fact that she won. Before the defence says anything, my detective will explain the rest."

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