Turnabout Unmasked ~ 4 ~ Roberto

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Q walked up to the stand, still carrying that laptop of his around in his case. He glanced up to someone in the gallery - another Interpol agent known as D, I had found out earlier.

"State your name and occupation, witness." I asked him. Even though I knew I wouldn't get the right answer for the first one.

"I can't give you my actual name. Interpol protocol." He said with a smirk. "But you can call me Q. I run Q-Branch, a technology based section of Interpol."

"So Interpol asked you, out of all of their agents, to... testify about a simple double murder?" Chrysalis asked him, "Or is there something more to that?"

"Two of our own agents were murdered." Q began, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "This is a very serious matter... one we cannot afford to just leave to a middle man to testify about. As someone who designed some of the equipment the victims were holding at the time, there are certain things that only I know."

"He, uh... seems a bit... boastful?" Niamh whispered to me. "What, is he trying to impress someone or something?"

I hid my smirk and tried to continue the trial. "Apparently your... gadgets played a role in all of this. For the sake of understanding the crime a bit more, can you elaborate?"

"I suppose I have no choice..." Q sighed dramatically and winked towards the mysterious 'D' again up in the gallery. Niamh let out a giggle next to me, apparently noticing the amount of times he did it.


- "Both of the victim's were carrying a gun and a mobile, both made specially for those two."
- "The phones could only be used by those two, due to their fingerprints."
- "It does have a camera that records footage..."
- "The guns on the other hand... only one was found on the scene, Mr. Grayson's."
- "We don't know where Ms. Wilde's went, but we know for certain that Mr. Grayson's was not fired."
- "There's not much point in searching for it, anyway."

"That's a lot to unpack." Chrysalis said, sighing. "I can tell that this is going to take a while... and knowing this guy, he's going to spend a long time talking about it."

"I think he's trying to impress his little girlfriend up in the gallery..." Cotoli pointed towards a woman with violet - lavender hair. For someone who was Lily's coworker, he... sure gossiped like her...

"Defence, you may begin your cross-examination." The Judge announced, ending their little chat.


- ...
- "It does have a camera that records footage..."


"Can we... see this footage?" Cotoli asked him. "Even if it's not too much... it could be useful."

"You can, but there's not much on it..." He replied, "... I'm sure the Prosecution would kindly show the video to the court."

Niamh beamed at me and grabbed the remote on the desk. I had told her that she was in charge of the remote, and... she seemed to have taken it a bit too seriously. She pressed a button and the screen started to play the recorded video.

It was Mr. Grayson - obviously - looking down at his phone. He seemed in a rush, as sweat was rushing down his forehead. However, the video was cut short as someone grabbed him from behind and slammed his head against his phone.

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