Turnabout Elevation ~ 2 ~ Tenniswood

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- March 12th, 3:04PM -
- BadWolfTV Towers -

"I've never been to a Television broadcasting place before." Lily began, looking up at the height of the tower. "It's soooo high up!"

"They have to send their broadcast signal from a high place, which is why it is so high up." I told her, slightly hoping that we wouldn't have to go all the way up the tower.

"Well, best get started!" Lily said as she ran into the building, with me trailing behind her.

It wasn't long before I heard a loud 'CRASH!' and some loud mutterings of pain. I ended up finding Lily on the floor, rubbing her head in pain, and a man whom I had never met before.

He had black hair and green eyes, with a hat and trench coat matching the colour of his eyes. He was also wearing black trousers and boots, with a grey shirt under his coat.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Lily yelled rather loudly as she helped the stranger up on his feet. "Um, actually, I didn't catch your name..."

"Detective Toby Erikson." The man replied, looking us both over. "Are you the defence team?"

"Yes, we are." I told him, showing our badges. "Is it alright if we look at the crime scene?"

"Sure." Detective Erikson turned around and led us upstairs. "I'll have to watch you, though. Protocol stuff."

Lily hesitated for a second, as if she was rethinking her words. "Hey...can the precinct now afford more than one detective now?"

Detective Erikson stopped, turned, and looked at Lily with a smirk on his face. "The budget isn't that tight, you know."

Lily laughed. "Yeah, I know."

"Is this where the body was discovered?" I asked, pointing to an area of white tape. "Do you have the autopsy report?"

Detective Erikson handed us the autopsy report almost immediately. "I have an extra copy, so you can keep it."

I looked the report over, taking in every piece of info.

Name: Moria Witz
Age: 27
Cause of Death: Blunt force trauma to the back of the head
Other: No signs of struggle or any other injuries were found

"No signs of struggle? Even in a small elevator like that?" I pointed out. "And did you find a murder weapon?"

"Not yet." Detective Erikson replied. "Forensics are comparing the wound to various objects around here, and we're also checking for signs of blood too. The most likely option is that the killer ran away with it."

"What would be heavy enough to kill someone with, though?" Lily frowned, as if thinking. "You can't get past the security here with something like a brick, it would just look weird."

"Were there any witnesses?" I asked the Detective. "I imagine they would be hard to find..."

He sighed, messing with his hat. "We have one. Sort of. He's more of an informative witness then anything, but he was the second one to arrive at the crime scene after the defendant."

"Mr. Heath was the first to arrive at the crime scene? And he didn't TELL US?!" Lily stomped her foot down angrily. "Even my memory is better than that!"

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