The Despairing Turnabout ~ 2 ~ Lucas

105 3 19

March 8th
Lucas' Apartment

I yawned, having finished the Doctor Who marathon me and Felicity had agreed to watch on Netflix. The purple haired was laying against my arm, having fallen asleep when watching the episode Night Terrors (in which she found the setting made her sleepy, whereas I was gripping my sword the entire time).

She was still happily sleeping when her phone beeped - She didn't hear it though, as she was still fast asleep.

I glanced at the message briefly and noticed that it was from her brother, Sky. She wasn't going to wake up without any input from me, so I grabbed her phone as quietly as I could and read the message for her (I-I was curious! Just curious, okay?).

'Hey, you back from that nerdy marathon of yours? Even if you aren't...well, this is important. Head down to the agency as soon as you can, okay? And...try not to be too alarmed when you see my head...'

I tilted my head, not quite knowing what Sky meant by his choice of wording in his message. Who would? (...don't answer that.)

Although I would regret it, I decided to wake the sleeping Felicity up. I tapped her shoulder, expecting her to wake up like a normal person.

But then I remembered that this is Felicity we're talking about here.

Felicity screamed soon after I tapped her shoulder. She quite literally leapt on top of me, leaving me in a blushing mess.

"Luco...?" She tilted her head at me, seeing my face the same colour as my tunic, but then grinned at me. "Awww! You're blushing again~!"

"F-Felicity..." I muttered, at least trying not to embarrass myself further. "Check your phone...Sky sent you a message..."

"Ooo! Has Luco been reading my messages?" Felicity smirked, reaching for her phone. She read the message and tilted her head in confusion.

"I guess we better get heading over to United to see what's up, huh?" I told her. What could've possibly happened over there anyway?

"Okay!" Felicity nodded and...rolled onto the floor. Okay then. "Let's roll!" She said whilst rolling across the floor.

"You're going to hurt yourself if you keep rolling like that." I commented, standing up and walking towards the door like a normal person.

"You worry to much Luc-OW." Felicity replied to me, slamming her head against a nearby wall.

It has come to my attention that I may be the only sane person in this room.

I walked up to the girl and bent down next to her. "Are you okay...?"

Felicity looked at me and smirked. "Jeez, Luco! Look what you did! Now you'll have to give me a piggyback aaaaall the way to the agency!"

I stumbled backwards, trying to process what she just said. All the way to the agency? "H-Huh?"

"You heard me! If you were more careful, you wouldn't be in this mess!" She pouted.

But wasn't SHE the one who hurt her head by her own actions in the first place?!

Felicity clasped her hands together. "Come on! I'll be your very own personal radio!"

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