Turnabout Unmasked ~ 11 ~ Lily

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- March 22nd, 2:49PM -
- My Alibi restaurant -

The entire United Lawyers crew (sans Elliot, whom had taken a day off to feed his dog) approached the meeting place that Sky had given us. I wanted to see him more than anything.

"So not even Interpol are here?" Ms. Tenniswood looked around, noticing how quiet it all was. "I would've thought that someone would be here, considering how important this case is..."

"Robbie said that they're hoping the prosecutors should be enough." I said, pointing inside. "I mean, have you seen how beefy some of them are?! I heard that Chrysalis and Cotoli's sister is totally taken by one!"

"Don't tell me Chrysalis was chatting about it to you, too..." Cotoli sighed, "... Look, we shouldn't keep Felicity on her toes. We need to sort all of this out."

"Aww, thanks, Coolio..." Felicity smiled at us all. "... You guys are too nice. I'm more concerned about Robbie, though!"

"O-Oh, he said he's fine-!" I tried to reassure her, "He's in a wheelchair, since it's painful for him to stand... but he wanted to show up anyway."

"It's a good thing this place has easy access!"

We looked up as we heard a giggle. A little girl with green hair was sitting in front of us, in a wheelchair.

"Oh, uh... this isn't the time or place to be visiting, little girl." Chrysalis chuckled nervously. "You're just leaving, right...?"

"Yup!" She nodded, "I was just visiting papa! I wish I could stay for longer... but he said I should go... he's the waiter with hair like mine! Be nice to him!"

She waved us off, pointing to a waiter with green hair just like hers. He was standing in the doorway, as if he was watching us all this time.

"Salutations, my friends!" The green-haired waiter bowed, "My name is Jack, and I'll be your server today."

"Your daughter is so cute-!!" I yelled before anyone else could say anything. "Will she be alright on her own?"

Jack stared at us for a few seconds. "Oh! Monika! Yes, she's a real cutie, isn't she? She's fairly independent, so I'm sure she'll get home just fine."

"Ah, that's good..." Cotoli smiled to himself as we sat down at a nearby table. "... Oh, everyone else is here!"

By 'everyone' he was talking about Sora, Ghastly, Vito, Polly and Roberto. So... not really everyone.

"Ooh, new customers!" A blonde-haired waitress ran up to us, ignoring the fact that Jack was already serving us. "Hi! I'm Dixie!"

"Dixie... they're already getting served..." Came a sigh from the black-haired waitress on the till. "I'm Lucy... I'll be here, too, I guess..."

"They're a very lively bunch..." Muttered Ms. Tenniswood. "... Anyway, when's Sky going to appear? He's late!"

"Yeah, it's not like him to be late." Felicity agreed, "He's usually earlier than me!"

"If you're talking about that performance, it'll begin shortly." Jack gestured behind him, where a stage had been set up. "Dixie was taking a while to set things up... that's all!"

"S-Seriously...?" Chrysalis facepalmed. "I can't believe he's going this far... a stage and everything..."

"Ladies and gentlemen... the man performance is about to begin..." Lucy gestured to the stage in a monotone voice. "... Please listen to what he has to say, without interrupting him... we'll never get this finished if not..."

A smoke machine concealed the entrance to the stage. I didn't exactly get why they were using these theatrics, but I went along with it anyway.

When the smoke cleared, Sky was standing there, completely unnerved. I wanted to get up and rush to him, but a glare from Jack kept me glued to my seat.

"Apologies for the delay!" Sky spoke into a microphone, winking at me. "Now, shall we get started? I'm sure you'd all love to hear an explanation to my actions!"

"Can we take this as a confession outside of court?" Chief Prosecutor Bespoke glared at him. On further inspection, I noticed that he was holding Sora's hand from underneath the table.

"Yes, Yes, do with it whatever you please." Sky waved a dismissive hand. "Honestly, it'll be great to finally get it all out!"

"Why don't you start at the beginning, Sky?" Chrysalis asked him. "Why did you choose to go through with this in the first place?"

"Ah, that's a good idea!" Sky nodded, "I've always had these thoughts, ever since I witnessed a great miscarriage of justice..."

"Oh, god, he's doing the backstory thing..." Sora said, sighing. "... Look, I bet someone died."

"... It was when our mother was involved in a hit and run." Sky continued, with a small cheer from Sora about her guess. "We saw the perp who did it, yet he still managed to get away with it-!"

"He was a Mafia boss at the time." Felicity shrugged her shoulders. "We were just kids, but it rocked Sky more than anything."

"I decided to get into the criminal underworld myself, so I could expose those dastardly criminals myself once earning their trust!" Sky posed dramatically. "If they thought I was helping them, they'd give me every detail of their plan... and then I would make sure that they'd get arrested for their crimes!"

"But by doing that, you became a criminal yourself-!" I called out to him. "You're a defence attorney! You had legal ways of doing the same thing!"

"Still, without my influence, Prosecutor Shield would've ended up in jail." Sky tutted, "It's illegal to assault another like he did..."

"Y-You shut up-!" Robbie attempted to stand up, but he fell back down into his wheelchair. "You said that... you wouldn't mention it in front of Lily...!"

"R-Robbie, what's he talking about...?" I turned to my brother, tears in my eyes. "What did you do-?!"

"Prosecutor Bloom also knows the answer to that question." Sky pointed towards her. "You knew all along who assaulted you. Yet you kept it a secret, fearing that the young Prosecutor's career would be ruined... how tragic~!"

"Y-You knew the whole time?!" Chief Prosecutor Bespoke turned to Prosecutor Shield in anger. "And to think... how could you?!"

"G-Ghastly, please calm down-!" Prosecutor Bloom leapt over to him in an attempt to silence his anger. "I-It's not his fault... I don't blame him...!"

I bit my lip as Chrysalis squeezed my hand in comfort. I never knew Chief Prosecutor Bespoke to get so angry... I just wished Robbie would be okay.

I held onto Prosecutor Bloom's words. Robbie could never do such a thing on purpose... could he...?


sky be like: fight fight fight fight

- hatty

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