Turnabout Unmasked ~ 10 ~ ????

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I looked down from the spirit world to observe if everything had gone according to plan. I could see everyone from up here. A perfect vantage position.

As the explosions subsided, the building began to feel the true impact of them. I started to focus on the people caught in the blast.

Sky Amaya looked behind him to see a man in a jester costume and a woman in a butterfly costume. Their faces were covered, but I knew who they were.

"Let's get out of here, Sky." Lady Papillon extended her hand out to him. "Trixie has a car waiting for us. I'll eliminate anyone in our way."

Jester smirked to himself. "You really didn't have to make such a performance out of this... we're supposed to have our performances, too!"

"It was necessary." Sky watched as Lady Papillon cleared a path for them. "I wouldn't be able to escape otherwise... I'm not ready to go just yet."

"You're just buying yourself a day at most..." Lady Papillon sighed as she kicked away some rubble. "... But I'll stick with you, no matter what."

The trio turned to leave, ignoring the screams happening nearby.

One such scream was from Chrysalis, who was huddled with Cotoli under the defence desk. The explosions had subsided, but they could barely see what else was going on.

"Where's the exit...?!" She said, gasping for air. "I can barely breathe in here...!"

Cotoli pulled her back. "And what about Sora and Ghastly? I know Sora can probably handle herself, but..."

"We'll never get out of here with you worrying." Chrysalis started to crawl towards the exit, watching the previous trio clear the way. "But, hey... who's Sky going with? They're clearly not worried about us-!"

"They still cleared the way." Cotoli mentioned, "It's like... he's hoping that some of us are still alive. He wouldn't keep the exit open if he didn't care about us."

"So he's still the same old Sky, in a way..." Chrysalis sighed, "... He knows that they'll catch him eventually, though. He's only buying himself time by doing this... and a longer prison sentence."

"Oh, Felicity-!" Cotoli stopped crawling and looked around for the purple-haired girl. "She was around here somewhere, right...?!"

"Nice to see that you finally realised, Coolio!" A familiar voice perked up next to the exit. Felicity was standing near the doorway, light streaming through.

"Y-You're okay-!" Chrysalis jumped up (nearly hitting her head in the process) and hugged Felicity, tears streaming down her face. "I-I thought you..."

"Nah, I'm okay!" Felicity giggled and patted her back. "But you guys need to get out of here. Detective Erikson is zooming after Sky as we speak."

"Is everyone else waiting outside?" Cotoli asked her. "We don't see anyone else around..."

"That's what I came in here for, actually." Felicity said, grinning. "I volunteered to help with the search. It's the least I could do, after... um..."

"Don't worry. We get it." Chrysalis smiled at her. "Now... let's get out of here. I'm sure Sora will join us soon."

This trio left as well, leaving only three other people left to escape.

Two of those people were huddled together, although one of them was in a sorry state.

Sora cradled an unconscious Niamh, slowly pushing rubble out of the way. It was difficult with only one hand, but she was managing.

"I'll get us out of here soon, Niamh..." Sora said in a worried tone. "... I just have to find Ghastly first!"

She gasped as she saw the rubble move on the other side. She helped move it more, finally seeing who was causing the rubble to move.

Ghastly fell through the wall of rubble, his hair covered in dust. He let out a few coughs before looking up at the two, immediately taking Niamh off of Sora's hands.

"H-How long has she been like this-?" He asked her, too panicked to say hello. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier-!"

"She fainted as soon as the explosions happened... b-but I've been fine on my own! Don't worry about it!" Sora brushed the rubble from his hair. "It'll be easier to get out of here with the two of us, though."

"She can't go home like this..." Ghastly looked at Niamh and sighed. "... What will her parents think?"

"Oh, um... she told me that her... where she lives, they don't care for her much." Sora stroked her cheek. "The poor little thing... if Cotoli's apartment wasn't so full already, with the three of us..."

"She can stay with me." Ghastly decided. "My place is big enough for a large family, at least. If her family isn't treating her well... I'm a prosecutor. I can sort it."

"We can talk about this later~" Sora giggled, winking at him. "Keep an eye on Niamh. I'll bust us out of here!"

Ghastly was surprised at how easily Sora was able to shift the rubble. He felt himself as more of the damsel in distress than Niamh was.

They stumbled outside, immediately handing Niamh over to a paramedic. They could barely get a breather before the newly-named Detective Wattson (having taken her sister's surname again) approached them, clutching a bunch of letters.

"Oh, I'm so glad to see you two are okay-!" She said, relieved. "But I'm afraid I have to interrupt your peaceful moment..."

"What are these about?" Sora grabbed one of the letters and started to read it. "It's got... our names on it..."

"It looks like everyone involved with the case has received one, love." Vera handed one to Ghastly. "Toby handed them to me before getting in his car... I do worry about him."

"He'll be fine. You know he has Mukuro to think about, too." Ghastly smiled at her. "These letters, though..."

He read one to himself. I floated closer, peering at my handiwork.

'My Alibi, tomorrow. 3:00PM
No police. I'll reveal everything on my own.

Sleep no more
Face the Raven
Heaven sent
Hell bent

- Sky.'

"My Alibi... that's a new restaurant that opened up near the river, correct?" Sora pointed to a nearby sign. "You'll keep to your word... won't you?"

"I'll... it's not me who's in charge of that decision, love." Vera bit her lip nervously. "But shouldn't you be looking at Niamh? She looks... off."

Sora and Ghastly wizzed around, looking straight at the bouncing Niamh behind them. Her appearance had changed drastically, her eyes looking wild.

"Ma! Pops!" She screamed at them, completely unaffected by her fainting before. "It's been aaaaaages since I last saw you!"

They both looked at each other, stunned. "N... Niamh...?" Ghastly said with a slightly red face.

"Oh, it's not Niamh anymore, heh." She grinned, "The name's Nevada! You betta' remember it, since you're my parents!"

I floated away from them, disinterested. I was more excited for what was going to happen at My Alibi. I'd have to get ready soon... even if it meant I wouldn't be able to use my legs.


to find out more about Niamh/Nevada, check out AceAttorneyFan 's Ace Attorney stories,,, she covers it more than I'll do lmao

'????' won't be revealed for quite some time, but it's more of assurance than anything,,

- hatty

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