The Despairing Turnabout ~ 1 ~ Cotoli

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"I assume you know your role here?"

"...So long, sister."


"Of course. And I'll do it professionally, too."

"Wh-What was that-?! Is someone th-"


"As expected. And if anyone gets in the way..."

"H-Huh-? Wh-Wh...What is-?!"

"Hold it right there!"

"I'll deal with them like you said so...Black Raven."

March 8th
United Lawyers - Outside Area


A man with blue eyes, wearing a hoodie and jeans, ran through the streets.

And that person is me.

Cotoli Morix.

(C-Chrysalis-! She could be in danger!)

I glanced down at my phone for the 100th time today, looking at the text Chrysalis had sent me a few minutes earlier.


This sent me into panic straight away. She had gone back to United to pick up her phone which she had left there, charging. After she had left (I volunteered to take her, but she harshly refused - which is nothing like her!), I sat there, waiting for her return, but when I got that text...let's just say it made me panic, so I ran outside and headed to United.

I saw the building come into view, and I was slightly relieved. I had an aching stitch from running all of the way here, but that didn't matter now.

I burst open the doors and saw-

March 8th
United Lawyers - Main Room

I saw...

...Where do I start?

Three Prosecutors were standing around something that I couldn't see, but when the three of them turned, I recognised their faces imminently.

Prosecutors Aura, Shield and Bloom all turned around in synch, after hearing me opening the door.

When they turned around, I noticed a few things.

For one, Prosecutor Shield was holding Chrysalis tightly, her hands in handcuffs. But that...well, any other person would say that what I saw next was the worst thing.

There was someone hanging on the end of a rope, a stepladder underneath them.

And that person was Sam Shine.

(Chrysalis would usually say something like 'DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN' here, so let's all imagine her saying that. Aha...)

Leaned against the wall beside her, another person came into view...but, they can't be dead...right?

I mean, that person was...well...Sky.

Chrysalis snapped me back to reality, and I saw her eyes looking up at me in fear...

"So I suppose you're this girls' big brother, then?" Prosecutor Aura walked up to me, completely unfazed by the scene behind him.

"We've got more important questions then that, Aura." Prosecutor Shield tightened his grip around Chrysalis' arm. "For example, what are you even doing here?!"

"Why is Chrysalis in handcuffs?!" I yelled at the Prosecutor. "Tell me!"

I looked at Chrysalis, who looked away when she saw me looking at her. She looked like she wanted to say something to me, but...

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