Turnabout Argument ~ 4 ~ Roberto

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I left the courthouse, almost feeling sick.

I wanted to tell Lily at least something but...
...My hands are tied.

That day, I didn't want to be the Prosecutor.
Sure, Lily was the defence attorney, but...

I went up to Prosecutor Bloom, since Chief Prosecutor Bespoke was busy, and it all went downhill from there...

"...Prosecutor Bloom."

"What do you need, Shield? Have you got all of the evidence for the case?"

"...I'm not going to be the Prosecutor for that case."

"...What did you say?"

"I'm not going to be the Prosecutor for that case. End of."

"Don't you 'end of' me! All of the paperwork has been filled, it's too late to turn back now!" The trial is today. You hear me? Today!"

"Well I guess you'll just have to get another Prosecutor on the case."

"I refuse it! You have to do this case! End of! What POSSIBLE reason could you have to not Prosecute this case?!"

"...I can't say."

"This isn't good enough! I can't have you skipping things as you please, just because of some stupid reason or another!"

"It's not stupid! And since where you in charge, hm?
"Just because you're all buddy-buddy with the chief Prosecutor doesn't mean you can order us lot around, you know!"

"E-Excuse me?!"

"Yeah that's right. I said it. And I intend to stand by that statement."

"You say that, but really, you're just a coward. Hell, you couldn't even stab someone if you tried!"

When she said that...I don't know how to explain it, but I must've 'blacked out' or something...
...Because the next thing I saw was my hand, holding a knife that had stabbed her...and the horrified expression on her face.

That's when...
...The Black Raven finally showed themselves to me.

The 'Black Raven' as they had called themselves, had somehow managed to blackmail me into not Prosecuting that A Cappella case.

Apparently that case has something to do with them, and they didn't want me being the Prosecutor or something like that...

When I saw them that day, they told me that they would cover for me...
...But even if he did, I would have a scar that would never fade.

They stole some evidence and somehow managed to falsify a witness, and frame that boy who hangs around with her.

I remember what that boy said to me after the trial had finished...

'Polly was lying about not remembering the person who stabbed her to protect you

...But I just think that she didn't want to create an incident with the media'

Leaving out that last part that he mentioned...
...Only me, The Black Raven, Polly and Anton know.

It would be best to leave out Ghastly in this anyway...he's mad enough as he is.

And you know what? I actually thought I was fine.

...But then I remembered that the past has a way of catching up to you.


If you ask me how I came to this conclusion or what this part even is I won't be able to answer because I don't know either.

But anyway, that's all the updates from me until Monday.

So here's a few things about the next case! (If you don't wanna know or get spoilers maybe, just skip this part):

• It will be the 'A Cappella' case that everybody keeps talking about. And that name is a reference to something.

• There will be singing. Be warned.

• This case will also go over how everyone met at the United Lawyers

• The lead defence will be Lily, and the Prosecutor will be Ryan. A detective will also be introduced, Niamh will be helping the Prosecution and stand as a co-counsel of sorts. Other characters that haven't been mentioned yet will get a part in this case, don't worry.

• Sky, the other Amaya twin, will be the defence's co-counsel.

• The basic outline of the case is that during an A Cappella competition, in a performance of one of the A Cappella groups, someone is murdered.

• There will be announcers that will make puns at the victim and stuff like that so expect puns.

• The Black Raven will be involved

And that's about it from me!

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