The Despairing Turnabout ~ 8 ~ Wood

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I gasped as my neck was shoved against an arrow. I was trying to quickly run to the bathroom, but now this had happened! Jeez!

Trying to ignore the sharpness of the arrow, I tickled my nose with my hair, just enough to make me sneeze. I knew I was going to regret this, but there was no other choice...


Finally! It was my turn for once! The Dark Lord shouldn't have to wait this long just to get some fresh air...!

"What are you planning to do...?!" Starry looked at me with both shock and horror on her face. I decided to wait until she had gotten enough information from this guy before I made my move.

"You will let me go, or this girl dies. It's simple." Arrowhead began. "I'm sure you don't want this innocent girl to die, correct?"

Bloomy ( >:( ) bit her lip in distress. "Well, before you walk away, how about you tell us everything? It only seems fair."

"Fine then." He sighed. "I'm an assassin, if you haven't guessed already, called Toadally Da Keela. I was told my The Black Raven to kill some idiot. So I did. By strangling her with a rope. Somebody else walked in on me, so I had to hit them on the head. Happy now?"

Everybody was either talking about how 'The Black Raven' was mentioned or how stupid this guys name was. Seriously! My name is waaaaay better than that!

Coat wasn't too happy about the word 'assassin' being mentioned, and neither was Starry. I don't think anyone was, really.

"You assassins! Always trying to ruin people's lives...!" Coat suddenly yelled out. "Why don't you all just die?!"

Arrowhead frowned and inched the arrow closer to my throat. "That's not very nice. And for that..."

In a split second, just as he was getting ready to stab me with the arrow, I grabbed it and yanked it out of his hands. I kicked free of his grip, grabbing my scissors from my pockets.

"Play time's over, ya runt!" I smirked at Arrowhead's scared little face. It was hilarious! "Now it's MY turn!"

Without bothering to look at the people running from the courtroom, I began slashing Arrowhead to bits. By that I mean cut marks. (Niamh was making me hold back, okay...?!)

In the mist of my slashing frenzy, someone grabbed my arm. I looked up to see a guy dressed as a bailiff ('that's Mr. Mistry!' Niamh yelled in an annoyed tone) smiling at me.

"Salutations, Genocide Jack! It's a pleasure meeting a serial killer, if I do say so myself!"

I gasped - how did he know that I was Genocide Jack?!


Apart from the scissors.

And the way I speak.

Sort of.

"How do I know?" He grinned, making me unsure if I should trust him or not. "Well, I just put two and two together, really."

Mystery lobbed the now unconscious assassin over his shoulders and turned to me (how he managed to do that I do not know at all). "I think we should get going. It's not often something like this happens, and I'm the only bailiff left to clean this place up."

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