Turnabout Elevation ~ 6 ~ Lily

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- March 14th, 9:57AM -
- District Court -
- Defendant Lobby no 2 -

With Niamh permanently off the case, I had to take charge of the whole ordeal. It wasn't a good thing, let me tell you!

Luckily, Robbie had promised to keep me posted on Niamh's condition, even though he was meant to be working today.

Whilst I was worrying about... well, everything, someone tapped my shoulder from behind. I was expecting a hot, sexy prince (who wouldn't?) and... I couldn't ask for a better person to fill that role.

"Hey, Lily. How are you holding up?" Sky asked me, a concerned look on his face. He looked sorta tired, but then again, I did too. "It's a shame about Niamh. It was her first case with us, too..."

"I'm sure she'll stay on, Sky," I told him, assuring myself as well. "Especially after I catch the person who did this!"

"You mean especially after 'we' catch the person who did this..." Sky smirked at me, a playful look in his eye. "I'll be your beautiful assistant in the trial today. It'll be better than having to listen to my eccentric sister all day..."

I gasped - this is what I've been waiting for! I couldn't possibly fail this trial now, for both Niamh and Sky! Although, Niamh was definitely the biggest reason. Totally. She's in hospital right now. The poor thing.

We were interrupted by Mr. Heath (whom had been distracted by a bailiff with a 'funny name' earlier). "So... I can leave after today, right?" He asked us. "There's no wifi where they put me. That's gotta be illegal."

"Hopefully, yes," Sky answered, ignoring the second statement. "We can't let the real killer get away, not after what they did to Niamh."

"Oh, and, uh... the dude over there said that I was supposed to tell you lot to enter the big room," Mr. Heath pointed towards a nearby bailiff. "He's on his phone right now, talking about some... I dunno, something really wild? Who even knows?"

I sighed before heading into the courtroom. I'm going to be so glad once this is all over...


- March 14th, 10:00AM -
- District Court -
- Courtroom no 4 -

"Court is now back in session for the trial of Elliot Heath," My Lord announced. "Is the defence and prosecution ready?"

"Skip the formalities, old man," Prosecutor Cruz slammed the desk rather violently. "We have a criminal to catch, one that's already taken a bite out of the defence."

"I did think that there was something off about the defence team today..." My lord muttered, seemingly not that much bothered by Niamh's absence. "So, where is Ms. Tenniswood today?"

"She's in the hospital, recovering from an almost-lethal attack," Sky explained to the court. "Hopefully we can reveal her attacker to the court today."

Prosecutor Cruz glared at the witness stand (kinda creepily if you asked me). "It was my fault that this happened to her... so I'll make sure that the bastard is caught today."

"W-Well, all attacks beside, I assume that there is a witness to explain the events of yesterday?" My lord asked. "Mr. Schmidt seemed very... off, didn't he?" He seemed quite proud of himself, acting like he had just deduced who killer was before anyone else.

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