Turnabout Elevation ~ 4 ~ Vito

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Mr. Schmidt dawdled his way up to the witness stand. It wasted a lot of time, but his cross-examination would surely waste some more time...

"Witness, state your name and occupation for the court." His Honour demanded.

"My name is...Klaus Schmidt," he began. "I am a camera operator, like the defendant."

"I could totally see I rival between the two, Prosecutor Cruz!" Wood beamed besides me, attempting to be helpful. "Although, you've probably already thought of that, right?"

"It's a possibility, yes." I told her, taking a glance towards the defence.

"I knew it!" She continued to beam brightly. "It's like I've aced my exams already!"

"Will the witness please explain the events they saw?" The Judge asked.

"Yes...I'll make it quick." Mr. Schmidt glanced towards the door before continuing.


- "I was about to return my camera, when I noticed that Mr. Heath and Moria were entering an elevator."

- "I hid behind a pillar just in case it was anything worth recording..."

- "...but then the conversation appeared to get violent, which is when Mr. Heath grabbed Moria's winning statue."

- "She was clobbered to death...poor soul..."

"Okay, I can see why this guy is a creep now," Ms. Shield leaned towards her partner. "Say, Niamh, find anything?"

Just when Tenniswood looked as if she was about to open her mouth to ask a question, I spoke up. "The witness did not manage to record this scene. Apparently the storage was full. A modern day Macbeth."

"I'd like to start my cross examination, please," Tenniswood told His Honour. "Time is the essence, it seems."


- ...

- "...but then the conversation appeared to get violent, which is when Mr. Heath grabbed Moria's winning statue."


"Tell me, Mr. Schmidt..." Tenniswood hopped straight to the point. "...why are you on a first name basis with the victim?"

Mr. Schmidt seemed to clam up, refusing to talk. He raised his fist and clenched it, over and over again.

"Aww, come on!" Wood slammed the desk impatiently. "Don't clam up!"


All eyes turned to a woman carrying an umbrella (indoors, might i add). I recognised her Angel Flyaway, one of the people involved with this case.

"Mr. Schmidt...he's not very well," she began, glancing at His Honour. "Please, he's still a little shaken about Moria's death. Don't question him further."

"What's it to you, Ms. Flyaway?" Tenniswood looked unimpressed. "You don't have any professional teaching about this matter."

Ms. Flyaway looked shocked. Th-That's...! Um...hey, Mr. Schmidt? Why don't you tell them about..."

"Why were you on first name basis with the victim?" I asked the witness more clearly. "Answer me."

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