Turnabout A Cappella ~ 3 ~ Polly

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"Anton is sleeping in my Land Rover. He's fine." Detective Stanhope assured me.

She's been doing that a lot lately. Ever since I've had to cover for Ghastly...

"Right. Yes." I tried to organise my mind. "Shield still hasn't shown up. Goodness knows what he's doing. Aura said he would cover for him..."

"But you don't want him rushing out on his day off to cover for someone else, right?" Stanhope chuckled. "You can watch my deductions, but then you're going home to rest. I can look after the crime scene and Anton." She gestured me to follow her to the stage. "Come on. You'll get a cold from standing around here."

"I'm fine..." I muttered. "Even if someone stabs me in the stomach for one reason or another, (and I'm going to be the first person to say that there is no chance that will happen) I'll just get up again..." I said as I hesitantly followed.

March 1st
Flyaway Fields - Stage Area

"Right. First, I would like to thank all of you for coming today..." Detective Stanhope began. "First of all, I will go over the victim data."

I saw the lawyers that Stanhope had requested to come listen intently. I smiled to myself. Thank god I'm not the Prosecutor for this case...

"The Victim, Singa Shine, was a member of The Musical Nodes. From this, the possibility that the killer was from their rival group, Bubblegum Pop. Possible motive? Jealousy or the rivalry. There is also another reason that leads me to believe that the killer was a member of Bubblegum Pop..."
Detective Stanhope handed some sheets to a nearby policemen, and they started to hand a sheet to everyone.
"The lyrics to the song that Bubblegum Pop were singing. Avoid our fate tonight I believe it was?"

I leaned against the back of the stage when I got handed a sheet. I already knew a brief overview of what the lyrics were, but I never knew what they actually were.
I started to read the lyrics.

Bubblegum Pop - Avoid Our Fate Tonight

One two three o'clock, Bubblegum Pop
Five six seven o'clock, Bubblegum Pop
Nine ten eleven o'clock, Bubblegum Pop
We're gonna avoid our fates tonight!

Verse 1
It all started here, right on this stage
When your corpse fell down from my heart in front of me,
(We all screamed!)

We're gonna avoid our fate tonight
We're gonna avoid it, avoid it, avoid it with all our strength tonight
We're gonna avoid, gonna avoid our fates tonight!

Verse 2
A Prosecutor gets stabbed, The killer isn't caught
Blackmailed to do as they please!


Verse 3
The singing trial, begins at last
A well loved friend sent to the clink!


Verse 4
A Sister accused of murder
A wound re-opens to bring some pain!


Verse 5
A man of power gets arrested
The office is requested to do some defending!


Verse 6
The laughs and smiles, fade away
As The Black Raven seems to be caught...


Verse 7
An identity unmasked,
The building of law burns to ashes!

Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust...(2x)

La da da da da da da da da....

I tried to shake off this strange nausea-like feeling I got from them. Who was the person who wrote these in the first place?!

Detective Stanhope continued. "Only the performers in Bubblegum Pop knew these lyrics. So someone from that group must've used these for the murder."

I saw someone wearing a hoodie over at that lawyer group raise his hand. "Detective Stanhope, may I ask you about the autopsy report and how you believe the murder happened?"

"All in due time, Mr Morix" Stanhope replied.

That's one of the names worked out...Morix, huh...

"But since you asked, here's the autopsy report." She handed everyone a copy. "But I don't want you performers muttering a word about this to the others, alright?"

I glanced to see four people to my left. Two were wearing bubblegum pink outfits, whilst the other two were wearing an outfit with musical notes on. Honestly, is this what people wear now? Do they realise that they look like idiots?

"The time of death is 9:23PM, cause of death is a broken neck from the fall. No other injuries were found on the victim...from all of this, there is only one person who could've done it..."
Stanhope walked to my right, her back facing the performers to the left. (Which to me, seemed a bit over the top)
All of a sudden, she turned around and pointed to a brown-haired boy in a bubblegum outfit.
"And that person is you, Alex Daniels!"

"W-WHAT?!" The boy (who I assumed was 'Alex Daniels') stumbled backwards.

"Aca-Scuse me?" A blonde haired girl standing next to Alex spoke up. "Alex was Singa's bf! Are you really saying that HE killed his own gf?"

"Just because Alex was Singa's 'former' bf doesn't mean that he couldn't have killed her, Brittany!" A ginger-haired girl from 'The Musical Nodes' or whatever stamped her foot.

A black haired boy standing next to the ginger haired grabbed her shoulder. "Sam, you need to calm down. I, Jaden Mill-Foys, will not allow you to get so worked up on behalf of your sisters death."

Well that was convenient. Now I know some of their names. But really everything would just be simpler if they dragged the kill- I mean the accused off without all of this...

"Everything else will have to wait for your trial tomorrow. You are herby under arrest for the murder of Singa Shine...."
Stanhope explained all of his rights and then placed some handcuffs on his hands, walking him to a nearby police car.

I headed to the lawyers. Even if I didn't want to talk to them, I at least had to find out which one of them was doing the defending...
"Which one of you is defending? Spit it out now, or forever hold your peace..." I tugged my hair as I spoke.

A girl shouted in my ear, causing me to fall backwards in shock.

"Ow...did you ever hear something called 'inner voice?'" I Picked myself up and glared at the girl.

A blonde haired boy and a purple haired girl were sniggering.
Overflows with anger, I grabbed both of their arms suddenly.
"If you don't stop right now, I'll place you both under arrest for disrupting police investigation."
I admit, I was over doing it a bit, but still...

"You can't do thaaaaat!!!" The purple haired girl exclaimed.

I huffed, and started to drag them towards a nearby police car.

"W-Wait wait wait..." The blonde haired boy tried to get away. "This is just a simple misunderstanding..."

"STOP TALKING." I yelled as I shoved them into a nearby police car.
Double updates woop.

As you can probably tell, I have a tendency to drag things on a bit, so I'll try to wrap up this investigation in the next part.

Headcanon that Stanhope is secretly obsessed with Professor Layton and that's why she does things this way.

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