The Despairing Turnabout ~ 7 ~ Polly

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- March 9th 9:47AM -
- District Court -
- Prosecution Lobby no 4 -

Anton was gripping my arm like crazy (possibly cutting off the circulation in said arm by doing so), and was begging me to get the defendant a Not Guilty verdict.

"Please, Polly! They're my f-friend! They didn't do anything wrong...!" He yelled at me (which was also rather odd for someone like him). "I'm s-sure Ghastly would do the same...!"

I sighed; mentioning Ghastly was a one way ticket to reminding me that he hasn't even attempted to do his job all week. "How do you know for sure?" I asked him. "If you're wrong-"

"I'm not! I swear!" He continued. "Just ask Mr. Morix!"

"Morix?" I questioned. "The defence lawyer?"

"Uh-hu!" Anton nodded, his sunglasses almost falling off of his ears. "He's really nice, you know!" I was surprised that he hadn't really stuttered much - which was a sign that he was really happy.

"I know." I told him. "You don't need to tell me that."

Anton was about to ask me something (mainly 'how do you know that? I never see you two talking...are you hiding something?!') when we both heard a crashing noise outside.

"Who's there?!" I yelled, with Anton hiding behind me. "There's no use hiding!"

"I-I'm sorry, Ms. Bloom-!"

A wailing Niamh Wood emerged from the corner. "I was just waiting for a friend to watch Chrysalis' trial with me! I'm sorry for eavesdropping...!"

"Well, you better be!" I shouted at her. "It's rude!"

"I-I won't do it again, I promise...!" She begged. "It was just where Jam-"

"I don't care about why you were here!" I continued. "Get out, now! The trial's about to start!"

"O-Okay..." She sniffed, exiting the room. Anton looked at me with a confused expression.

"There's a n-name called J-Jam?" He asked me.

I didn't have time to answer, as the (extremely loud) Bailiff called us to enter the courtroom.

-March 9th 10:02AM-
-District Court-
-Courtroom no 7-

"Court is now back in session for the trial of Chrysalis Starr." The Judge began. "Is the defe-"

"We're all ready. I'll start my opening statement now." I glared at The Judge, hoping he'd agree with my saving of times.

The Judge blinked for a few seconds before sighing. "Okay then. The Prosecution may begin their opening statement to sum up what they have found."

"A new witness came to us yesterday." I began. "They appear to have provided us with clear testimony that the defendant is guilty."

I saw the defence team flinch at this statement - which wasn't unheard of, sure. I just wish that for once the defence team would realise that hardly any of the witnesses ever tell the truth...

Ace Attorney - Justice and TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora