Turnabout A Cappella ~ 9 ~ Chrysalis

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I saw Ms Belle's bubblegum pop.


She's in a group known as Bubblegum Pop


...I'll let myself out.

At this time, I heard a phone vibrate widely. I checked if it was mine, but it surprisingly wasn't (for once).

I looked over and saw the Prosecution's co-counsel, answering their phone.

"Ms Wood." The Judge started. "The court would appreciate if you didn't-"

"Ooo. I'm sorry. Gotta go." Niamh announced to the court, after putting her phone away. "I've gotta go testify for something, you see..."

"Your Honour, Ms Wood here is a witness for another trial. I'm sure you'll allow that, yes?" Prosecutor Aura asked the Judge.

The Judge thought for a moment. "Well...I suppose is she is a witne-"

"Alright, I'm out!" Niamh gave us all a wave before walking out of the courtroom...

...Like a normal person would.

(Also, I swear that when she left Prosecutor Aura relaxed a whole bunch...)

"Anyway, back to the trial at hand..." Lily started. "...The defence believes that they can prove that Ms Belle here was the one being stabbed by the victim, and that she is the true killer!"

Ms Belle glared at Lily and I intensely. You would think she thought she had laser vision or something, and that she was trying to kill us!

"And that would be...?" Prosecutor Aura urged us on.

"It's simple, really." Lily smirked. "Ms Belle, please show both of your arms for the court!"

"WHAT?!" Ms Belle suddenly burst out. "W-Why should I do something as stupid as that?!"

"Isn't it obvious enough already?" I taunted (what? Just because I'm not a Defence Attorney yet doesn't me I don't have my fun!).

"Well, the killer got stabbed in the arm, didn't they?" Lily crossed her arms.

"B-But Alex had a stab wound too-!" She retaliated, now starting to blow a bubble again.

"I'm sure he has an explanation for that." Lily looked over at Mr Daniels. "Right?"

"Actually..." Mr Daniels spoke up from the defendant's chair. "...I wasn't the one to make that wound...it was sort of an accident...with Brittany and I..."

Ms Belle gave Mr Daniels death glares whilst the crowd spiralled into chatter.

"Order! Order!" The Judge declared. "Defendant...are you saying that the witness was the cause for your stab wound?"

Mr Daniels hesitated. "In one word...yes."

"H-How can you trust him?! He's the defendant! He could be lying!" Ms Belle yelled.

"Well why don't you just...I dunno, show us your arms?" I fiddled with my hair in thought. "I mean, if you were innocent, you would have nothing to worry about!"

Ms Belle's bubble started to get bigger and bigger...

"I agree." Prosecutor Aura joined in. "You would only need to show us your arms for your innocence to be known."

...Bigger and bigger...

Lily had a big grin on her face. "Or are you really...guilty?"


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