Turnabout A Cappella ~ 7 ~ Chrysalis

121 4 16

March 2nd
United Lawyers

"Liiiiiiiiiillllllll!" I saw Lily and Sky enter the office, and so I ran up to them imminently. "How was the trial?"

"It went great!" Lily clasped her hands together. "Great as in 'We were nearly goners but we somehow managed to pull off another day of investigation!"

Sky raised an eyebrow at me. "...Why are you here? Where's Felicity?"

"Oh..." I paused, remembering what Felicity had said to me earlier.

"I'm going to go get a case for Luco, so keep an eye on the office, 'Kay?"

"She said she was going to get a case...I think." I shrugged my shoulders. "But since I'm here, can I help you guys with the investigation? Cotoli kinda ran off somewhere, sooooo..."

"Of course you can come!" Lily grinned. "I'm sure Sky wouldn't mind at all! Right, Sky?" She looked over at the redhead.

Sky brushed his hand through his hair. "The more the merrier, I guess..."

"Yay!" I grabbed both of their hands and dragged them to Flyaway Fields, AKA the crime scene (and secretly shipping them in the process).

March 2nd
Flyaway Fields - Stage Area

"So you need to investigate the area that the witness saw, right?"
I turned face Lily and Sky, who were both looking at the banisters above.

"Yeah, where they saw that scene..." Lily muttered.

"There could be possible blood traces up there, since someone got stabbed up there, according to the witness." Sky added.

"Well it's a good job I brought...this!"
I smirked and held up a bottle of luminol.

"W-Where did you find-?!" Sky looked at me in confusion.

"Felicity gave it to me!" I held out some forensic glasses. "And she also gave me these, too! We can do a proper investigation now!"

"All right!" Lily clapped her hands. "Onwards, to the upper banisters!"

March 2nd
Flyaway Fields - Stage Area - Upper Flooring

"Be careful." Sky reminded us. "I don't exactly want another corpse on my hands if you slip here..."

"We'll be fine! I reassured him. "I'm not going to get killed anytime soon! Or heck, even accused of murder!"

Lily rolled her eyes. "Don't jinx yourself...I don't want to see you getting accused of murder anytime soon either..."

"I said, I'll be fine!" I said as I put the forensic glasses on. "You worry too much!"

"Chrysalis, can you spray the ground area's for me? Someone might've wiped up some blood somewhere near here..." Sky glanced down at the flooring beneath us.

"Sure thing!" I grinned and started to spray luminol...literally everywhere.

As soon as I started to spray, Lily started to cough...a lot.


"L-Lily?" Sky looked confused. "Do you want to go back down and wait until your coughing fit blows over...?"

"O-Okay..." Lily managed to say, between coughs. "I-I'm...sorry about this..."

"Chrysalis, you continue with the luminol." Sky looked at me like Cotoli does when he's being serious about something (which is most of the time). "I'll take Lily somewhere to calm down her coughing fit."

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